Fav Indian bloggers

Hi there

I'm looking for recommendations from the community here about who you think are some of the best bloggers, on and off Indiblogger, who cover the Indian economy/India growth meme. In my mind, this would also include politics and society themes.

For example, I know that a group of well known bloggers is posting regularly as a group on Yahoo! India.

In addition to my own company blog, I have created "almanacs" for three separate subjects: India, Energy, Economy, which pull in information from around the web on those topics.  I offer RSS feeds to each of these (in addtion to my own blog).  Essentially, we act as editors (in so far as we are gatekeepers for sources - not content editors).

I'm looking for more India focussed blogs to include in our India Almanac that can provide insightful analysis of developments and challenges re India growth story.  Any blog that is included in the Almanac is of course linked back to the original source.  So far we have several blogger feeds and some mainstream media feeds included in the India Almanac, but I'm finding this insufficient (mostly because the latter comprise too much of the aggregate feed).

I cannot promise huge traffic, as our own blog is relatively new, but this can be an additional outlet for someone seeking exposure in Canada and the US. 

We have not yet marketed our blog to company clients....we are delaying as we build up content and really hit our rhythm and desired tone....but when we do so (perhaps in a month or two), the blog will be introduced to people across a wide spectrum of the business community in Canada and the US (and some in Europe).

We're willing to partner with relatively well established bloggers and also up and comers who may come into their own in the future.

Any suggestions are appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


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from London
14 years ago

Hi Bali, if the content fits I am happy for you to link to my blog. It is a general online magazine for the NRI community, although does have subject categories for Business and Politics. Some of the issues covered include:

Outsourcing (Obama comments) debate

New Education Bill Allowing foreign universities to set up shop in India

Growth of car industry

Indian Budget


The content is written mostly from an NRI perspective so may be more geared to your American and Canadian audience.




As it turns out, I had already reviewed your blog and previously included it in the India Almanac.  I enjoy following it.  Keep it up.

By the way, I also included NRI in another: TrivCap India Op-Ed Almanac - stripping out news items and focus only bloggers/analysts that provide perspective.

Down the line (soon) I will see about including only article summaries, so that readers get bounced to the original publisher.  Not a worry for now as traffic will be negligent



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