is posting derogatory comments as anonymous JUSTIFIED?

Madhav Mishra
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

i recieved a comment on my blog recently telling me that i write crap and the person hasnt read more crap/sorry thing in his whole life.and i should stop writting

my question: is it right? i never claimed to be a kafka-clone. i jus started writting coz i liked to express myself.if you dont like my way of writting you have every right to think so.but why use anonymous name to post comments.

no writting is perfect.there is always a chance of improvement and ppl like comments telling them how to do better. I DO. 

but this is my first instace of such extreme reaction. has it happened to you? IS THIS RIGHT?

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Yeah something similar happened to me on someone else's blog. Check it out here.

I think there is no reason that someone should choose to remain anonymous to cast aspersions on someone's blog or the way he/she writes. I think it is just being stupid. So i don't generally count anonymous comments such as these as serious ones. If someone is anonymous, he/she doesn't have the courage to own up a statement as their own.

Now wait. Here anonymous means being "Anonymous" in general. You can call me anonymous because my parents probably haven't named me The Xeno and I don't look like Dalai Lama's hand print. But The Xeno is still an identity. And I always use it in the blogosphere.

Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@xeno na it was ANONYMOUS that means no name. i felt so bad at that.if that person didnt like the way i wrote, atleast say so but try and be my blogs are comment moderated.


Yeah. In my blog too.... anonymous comments are disabled. But no comment moderation.

Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@xeno i m not taking any chances after this :P moderation is the word

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Unmoderated comments disturb the serenity of a blog and makes readers to stay away from the blog, or atleast the comments area.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Yup I too have comment moderation from the start but it is more so to stop spam comments...
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@ranjith agree and moreover these ppl dont hav anything to offer.they jus want to bash everything.

@arti now me too

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yeah, I agree! Anonymous comments can put you off as a blogger especially the derogatory ones. But Animesh is right, Just take out the crux of it and use it for your betterment, ignore the rest of it, just dont bother!My first and only brush with an anonymous comment had come when I was quite new in the blogging world. You can see it here.  But the person was really very kind I must say. He first appreciated my blog and then went on with his opinions. Though it did shake me up a little bit coz I was new but still I did not take it as an offence. And replied to the best of my knowledge and capabilities!

Madhav Mishra
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@arti thats wat my point is.if u didnt like something, SAY IT. and i f u hav nothing constructive to say, why bother commenting.wish i could show u his comments but i deleted them 

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats true, if I dont find something to my liking I dont comment at all because at the end of the day it is the persons blog and the views are his own...
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

ya precisely my point.ppl have the right to their opinion but why bother me wid such comments

from Sharjah
13 years ago
i think its justified. wht wud u do, if you are a spineless lil twerp who likes to pee in the swimming pool and doesnt want to be known for that? you wud choose to be rabid and anonymous. perfectly justified.
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@tys hehehehhehehehh well said. man i m fan of ur humor

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hemal likes it!! LaughingCool

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
This is common phenomenon in blogsphere, there will be people ready to attack you and check out when you become popular in a forum. So best is to ignore and move one, report the same for abuse, or block anonymous post. But it will not be end, remember a terrorist has to succeed only once, but to protect or defend yourself have to be alert 100% of time. I believe barking dogs will never the morale of the story be bindas
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@umeshji yep great similey used there  :P comments moderated now

from hyderabad
13 years ago

The commentator has made himself anonymous only because he has no reasons to support his viewpoints. I think that generally such comments are made by co bloggers who are envious of your blog.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
That might be well a case, Envy...
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

hmmm, Envy is often colored green.. difficult to see through.. but bad to have... may be one reason, who knows!


Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@ranjith agree with u.i might as well take that as a compliment then Cool

@arti hehehehhe didnt notice his face colour :P

@hemal lol

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