What will happen to your blog when you die?

from hyderabad
13 years ago

The blog belongs to you. It has become a part of your life. How happy one could be if they could blog even after death from heaven (or hell).

RULE: First give your opinion and then read what others have written.

My views (some of them taken from a post on a popular blog related to blogging have been penned down as the first reply.

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: removed link
Replies 1 to 18 of 18 Descending
from hyderabad
13 years ago

If your blog is hosted on a free platform like wordpress or blogger, then your blog remains for ever till Goggle shuts down itself. In other cases your blog will die along with you.

And this is what I read on another blog ( Daily Blogs Tips) regarding the same:

We need to be prepared for it. All our important passwords that are used to access our blog and accounts on other sites should be given to our family members. We need to make sure that someone is going to announce our death on our blog after we die. The blog may later be sold or archived.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
In any case the blog will die eventually because no one will take care of it the way we do for our own blog... But Google will display the posts in its search results... PS - The link to your post at the end of the topic description is considered as spamming as it is not related to the topic... So delete the link by editing it before some Indipolice sees it and deleter the whole topic itself!!!
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Google remains faithful Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Google remains faithful Smile

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
when one is dead and gone...blog is supposed to remain as leaving a mark on the sands of time. I have seen a person writing his epitaph on the blog which is triggered to activate after 30 days of inactivity. Good post Ranjith
from hyderabad
13 years ago

What do you mean by posting this same reply as a comment on my post at my blog?

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Well, if u go thru my blog, u'll see under the title tht my blog is on "'life' n other popular four letter words"..

if I'm dead, my blog'll probably be on "'death' n other unpopular five letter words"


from hyderabad
13 years ago

Good imagination

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

You can now leave your email addresses, blog login details, infact all online logins etc to your family. If they are mentioned in a will, then your family will be given the access by the hosting companies. Or you can leave a set of passwords to your family. there are even online srvices which manage your passwords and financial data for you and they pass it on to your family after you've passed on.

This post should help... http://www.securitynewsdaily.com/digital-afterlife-how-to-safeguard-online-accounts-after-death-0707/

Its not my post. Just something I found online.

My blog would probably die out eventually, since I have taken paid hosting services. When bills don't get paid, services get stopped. Naturally.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Hope that that article would help those who have never though about the death of their blog.

ho ho! never thought about it! i think i don't want anyone else to get their hands on the steering wheel of my blog even if i blog. So it will be like this = My blog dies with me.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Don't you want people to remember you through your blog after your death?

Hmm... good point. So on second thought, I am going to make a statement on my will that the person i trust the most on earth will get to know my password and he or she will change it to a password which even he/she wont be able to remember. Something like..]


so that no one gets to the steering wheel of my blog after I die, and It lives on too!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ The Xeno Very strong password Smile

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good wake up call leave behind a will with your lawyer so that it does not suffer an unnatural death along with log in name and password.
Bilna Sandeep
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

thats a good question!! i have been thinking about it!!! if i die someday let my blog live forever!!! hope there would be some who would  remember me through my blog!!Laughing

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Your faithful readers will surely remember your blog and will quote them often in their own blogs.

Bilna Sandeep
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

well that gives a good hope :)

from hyderabad
13 years ago


from Sharjah
13 years ago

after I die,my blog will pine and die within a span of 1month from the date of my expiry. It will then haunt the japanese porn sites for sometime,before its lead to the light by the evangalist site from Utah. Then it will be reborn as ndtv website.


whoa! Miles to go after you die!

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Nothing will happen to my blog. I don't go anywhere without my laptop. So, I'll just continue blogging from hell. Yep, that's where I'm going. I don't wanna be stuck with a whole bunch on virginal holier-than-thou chicks. I prefer the ones that are easy. It will be a lot of fun. Like on a nude beach. Cos I hear its hot as hell in hell. I'm sure the girls will just throw away their clothes. ahhh, I'm gonna have a helluva lotta fun!

ho ho! tys will like it for sure!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

You must be a tech geek to take your laptop with you even to hell. Smile

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

naah man, not a tech geek. Well, not anymore.

Am just a regular internet addict.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Man, my blog is named after me (Hemal Shah's Indianomics), so its well and should be active but no one can steer it forward. I am sure, even my family or the illfated girl i will mary may not have the same mentality as I have and hence, would be unfair to my readers. So it will die with me... but remain there as a memorial to my presense on this earth.

Sulagna Dasgupta
Sulagna Dasgupta
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I have big dreams regarding my blog. 

If I can have my way my blog will become a big multi-author blog like shoutmeloud and it will be taken forward by other authors. By that time my children will be the owners. :)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

So, you have already decided what your children will be doing after they grow up! Smile

Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

In your next life, you may write again.

Provided you remember your login details.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Leaving it to the afterlive! Wonderful!

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I'd rather be too rich and famous to write anything. I'm already lazy, so its 1 down, 2 to go.

Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Never thought about this .

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Why don't you think about it now? Wink

Sanjeetha Veni
Sanjeetha Veni
from India
13 years ago

Good and Thoughtful question..:)

I blog so that I can cherish and reminisce later

Even after my death..my works would be eternal..it is like our footprints..:)


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats a great thought:)
Harish P I
Harish P I
from India
13 years ago

My blog will become a ghost and haunt all of them who made spam comments in it... Yes it is a caution.. and a warning.. serious!

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

If you wanna threaten people, why not threaten that you will haunt all those who don't visit your blog regularly? Isn't that better? You might generate billions of hits of all those who will fear your ghostly appearances.

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