26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks (177)
क्यों हुआ मुंबई
jaihindi.blogspot.com - भारत ने पाकिस्तान से 20 आतंकियों को सौंपने की मांग की है, जिसे पाकिस्तान ने...36
Final Assualt - Salute to the Heroes!!!
sachinpens.blogspot.com - And its finally over. The terrorists got what they had come here for. The brave, gallant, outstanding, efficient NSG commandos fought like real heroes for the motherland, for my Hindustan. The...49
आतंक से कैसे...
jaihindi.blogspot.com - भारत का हित इसमें है कि पाकिस्तान में नासूर की तरह पनप रहा आतंक समाप्त हो, और...49
हर ओर से हारे हम...
jaihindi.blogspot.com - मुंबई नरसंहार के दौरान और उसके बाद भारत की प्रतिक्रिया बहुत ही असंतोषजनक...24
We need your voice
manivannansmirror.blogspot.com - I think and insist that the government and the people of Pakistan should stand up and give their unanimous support against terrorism. They should insist to hand over these criminals to India, and...36
How do we go on?
dreamtimewalkabout.blogspot.com - I talked of many emotions yesterday and I am left with only two now. Grief and Rage. Grief and Rage. How could this happen to us? How DID this happen to us? There are horrifying stories of people...40
A reason to pray
kartzonline.blogspot.com - Traumatic times are a regular phase. For at each turn, I behold only pain. Ohwhy should my people see such days? I see my land bathed in innocents'33