Neha Kuduvalli would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

I would appreciate if you can take your time to view my blog and give me a feedb

Neha Kuduvalli
Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

I consider writing as a part of my daily routine. One day I dream to write my own novel or a series of short stories. For that I require a lot of knowledge and practice at writing. And so, I've started this blog to post my views on general topics and also showcase my Poems and other short stories.

Please do visit my blog and give me a positive feedback and help me how I can improve it in future.



Replies 1 to 9 of 9
Brad Dugg
Brad Dugg
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

its good the way it is....just the font changes I wish were a bit uniform..all else just works fine

Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

thanks for the feedback Brad. Will look into the font uniformity from next time :)

from Chennai
12 years ago

Very nice blog..You have chosen random topics...:-) All the best..:-)

Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

Thank you Nagini :)

Ash Musings
Ash Musings
from Delhi
12 years ago

Nice blog neha... i like the element of humor ! Your Bridget jones post was awesome :) am your blog's follower now.

Check out mine too, you might like it...

Keep writing! ...


Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

Hi A, and thank you for checking out my blog and for this review :) giving a visit to your blog now :)

from kannur
12 years ago

Hi Neha, you have a nice blog but I thought you have kept the same font in every thing and in case of poem you might have elobrated a little bit more. Please do visit my blog and pen down some comments.

Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

Thanks for the feedback gokuldas. When it comes to selecting the font, I just like to try and see different fonts for my different posts. Now trying to keep Times New Roman as a standard font for long posts. And as for poems,I love to see them in different colors and sizes :)

Rajat Gaur
Rajat Gaur
from Firozabad
12 years ago
Great blog.. I jst enjoyed reading the Exam Diaries post. Really it made me nostalgic of my EGG-JAAM days. Keep up the good work. HAPPY BLOGGING
Rajat Gaur
Rajat Gaur
from Firozabad
12 years ago
Great blog.. I jst enjoyed reading the Exam Diaries post. Really it made me nostalgic of my EGG-JAAM days. Keep up the good work. HAPPY BLOGGING
Rajat Gaur
Rajat Gaur
from Firozabad
12 years ago
Very nice blog.....I just enjoyed reading the Exam Diaries post....Really it made me nostalgic of my EGG-JAAM days. Keep up the good work. HAPPY BLOGGING
Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

Thank you Rajat. Glad you liked the post. And thanks for the visit and the review :)

Deepti Gahrotra
Deepti Gahrotra
from Ilmenau
11 years ago

Hi Neha, 

First up thanks for the vote on my post Zugzwanged, I really hope you liked it. Its actually what prompted me to go through your Blog. I'm not really a Haiku person so I wont really delve into reviewing those. Frankly Im not the best authority around. I do however love stories. So I skipped on over to the short stories section and read realization. The story line is interesting. Care to write a sequel maybe?? 

My Comments: (and this is purely because you, like me, want to write novels one day and if it were me I'd want to know) 

1. The storyline needs more detailing. Maybe consider making the post a little longer, add in details. They make the reader feel save. Make the fast pace, that is the curse of a short story, seem less abrupt. 

2. Correct me if Im wrong, but you read (or have read) enough Mills and Boons (Like Me), it reflects in the story line. I felt like I was reading a M&B.

3. The language is a little stilted at some places.. Let me give you examples from the post: 

"Well my parents weren't supportive OF my decision either"

"She is a close acquaintance OF my family"

"and they HAD BEEN dating FOR four months"

Most o the problem is with prepositions I think, the more you read and write the easier this will become.  

4. Detail out what Caroline felt when she looked at him. Remember shes seeing the father of her child after 6 years, she has got to feel a lot more, and considering she's a woman, it needs to show in her eyes, in the way she reacts to him.

5. This one is purely because of my Sadenfreuding nature. I think the ending is too abrupt, if it were me, I'd have wanted my pound of flesh before I agreed to anything. Or at the very least I'd have been extremely weary...

Overall I really did like your blog, I even loved it, but you already know that with 4 lakh page views. Please know that I took the time to be this detailed because I really do see so much potential in your blog. You are really good. Please know I'm saying this because I want you to move from good to great and I want it known that I had a litlle part to play in that, if only by means of a review. 

Wish you all the best with your blog. I've added you to my network, would love to read some of your other short stories too. 

Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
11 years ago

Hi Deepti,

Appreciate your analysis and thank you for taking an in-depth look into the post and pointing out the pros and cons. Constructive critisicim always helps and I will work on the cons and cherish all the pros you have pointed out :)

P.S: I have never read a Mill & Boons book in my life! Co-incidence maybe?!

Deepti Gahrotra
Deepti Gahrotra
from Ilmenau
10 years ago

Lol very big coincidence if you ever get the change pick up a M&B and you will notice the similarities! ;)