Sumit Saxena would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 24

What Do You Think of This?

Sumit Saxena
Sumit Saxena
from Noida
12 years ago


In the simpletest words, this blog is "my personal web space"!!!

I am a new blogger and have now started to take my blogging seriously, while I dont know what you feel of my writing abilities - I would like to know if you like the look and feel (including the widgets) of the blog.

While some appreciation will bring a smile, more critisism (obviously positive) will help a ton!!!



Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Sumit Saxena
Sumit Saxena
from Noida
11 years ago

Hi Rickie

Thanks for the words of appreciation and the feedback, this will help and will be on my sticky notes while I am changing the design next :) | I saw your blog and it already looks like a pretty popular blog and calling yourself a newbie may be more of modesty :)

Keep bringing a change with your blogs, I shall be a regular at your blog

Stay in touch - Hope you are coming to the Indiblogger Delhi Meet on Sunday?



Ashesh Mitra
Ashesh Mitra
from Kolkata, India
11 years ago

Hello Sumit!

Your blog's interesting. I love the variety! Do keep posting. Could you look at mine?

Sumit Saxena
Sumit Saxena
from Noida
11 years ago

Thanks Ashesh, saw your blog - impressive. M sure you have a long way to go :)

Keep it up!!!
