Anukriti Sharma would like you to review his/her blog.
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Review My Blog

Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
15 years ago

Hello everyone! My name is Anukriti.I am from Delhi and a postgraduate student from Miranda House, Delhi University

The link is-

About my blog -  My Memoirs of Mesmerizing Memories is an an amalgamation of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, aspirations, dreams, desires, secrets and life brought out through words written and composed by me juxtaposed with photographs that I have clicked.

Thanks a lot... I'll be eagerly waiting for a response! Laughing

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Topic change
Replies 21 to 40 of 44
Vipul Grover
Vipul Grover
from Chandigarh
14 years ago

hey i came across ur blog thru blogger of the mnth cntst the othr day.. so wn found ur review request thought of rplying.. i really luvd ur photography.. though didnt go thru the cntnt. normally i HATE black background bt it goes very well with ur images.. so cant ask u to change it. to be specific i luvd the burning taj hotel pic which u have edited to show it in red tinge. very thoughtful indeed.

Vipul Grover
from Chandigarh
14 years ago

hey upon revisiting i found u hv chngd ur background.. well i still blive black is the colour for u.. keep

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Nice blog, Anukriti. I think you write well. :)



Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
14 years ago


hey people thanks for ur wonderful response! m really overwhelmed

And yes i changed the old minima black template to the new one because many people suggested me to change my template

will write more often

thanks and keep reviewing...

Anukriti Smile

Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
14 years ago

hey people I've updated my blog... read my new post The Realm of Innocence and please do comment

Thanks in advance

Awaiting ur responses!


Anukriti Smile

aniruddha pathak
aniruddha pathak
from mumbai
14 years ago

hey anukriti

finally i got time today to look at ur blog and post some comments. But i found that you do not reply to readers who post comments, i think you should do that. I read somewhere that you wanted to retain your blogpost widgets, its simple if you can always save the codes of your widgets in some place before you copy paste it into your blog ( i am talking about widgets that you add from outside the ones made available by blogger). Then its a simple matter of adding the code at right place and you should be fine.

Your blog template looks good to me as of now, but considering your blog is intense, i prefer a black background,...but i have read that you have changed it many times so :) . Do add a widget for topposts, i loved all of them though :)..happy writing

Roshmi Sinha
Roshmi Sinha
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Lovely template... it compliments your posts very well Laughing

Lovely pics as well... I am extremely fond of the periwinkle flower...!

You are quite a story teller and a budding poet too... keep writing!


notapennyformythoughts / Please review my blog


Roshmi Sinha
Roshmi Sinha
from Bangalore
14 years ago

I am a follower already! Laughing


notapennyformythoughts / Please review my blog

Kush Sharma
Kush Sharma
from Pune ,Lucknow
14 years ago

Transparencies are great, think about using 'Devnagri' script for Urdu /Hindi poem ,will be a better idea.Great reading ,Keep up the good job .Happy Blogging!Smile


Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
14 years ago


thanks for ur overwhelming response



hey ppl I've updated my blog... check it out... Blog Updated ~ Pretentious Reality Realizes Pretense

Manish Misra
Manish Misra
from New Delhi
14 years ago


Nice template! it matches your blog character very well!

Manish Review

Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
14 years ago


hey thanks a lot


hey people I have created a new Photoblog Laughing

Do visit and comment...

for my old blog


from Australia
14 years ago

Hey ,

have commenetd on ur blog..check

Rajnish Kumar
Rajnish Kumar
from Bangalore
14 years ago
I have your blog as one of my like your writing.It does stand out among all others. May be you can check out mine even though its not that poetic.
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago


Thank u for ur lovely comments... I love ur writing too :)

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Its good to see your blog well equipped with nice photos and beautiful words... great... keep it up....consider this as a suggestion... it would have been better if you could reduce the number of posts on the main page to 5 or 6 that it will help the fans keep scrolling and straining eyes...

Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago


Thanks for the suggestion... Your wish is my command... hv a look at the blog now.. i have reduced the number of posts to 5 :)

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Thanks...Now your blog looks great without scrolling down much....Smile

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Your Photo Chronicles blog could even better if you maintain a same font size and style through out your blog post....what i have found in your main page is all posts font size is small when compaired to post SHADOWS... don't squeeze the font size too small with bold letters...too small font size and making them bold literally make your blog difficult to read.. my personal opinion is better you maintain same font size as that of post SHADOWS which has a decent font size..

Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago

Thanks for ur suggestion :)

I will check that and make the changes asap.... actually i dnt really use that blog too often.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

You have a wonderful blog. A small suggesstion: The blog title design can be changed to something better. It seems to fill a greater part of the page.

What they meant when looks can kill

from Chennai
13 years ago

COOL blog and COOL theme........KEEP BLOGGING