Priyam Saikia would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 45

please review my blog. :) :)

Priyam Saikia
Priyam Saikia
from Guwahati
11 years ago

I am a thinker. And my blog is basically about my views on random stuff. Because though what we see may seem same to many, but what we percieve, vary alot! So this blog is basically about my views and my perception. In short, its the world 'through both my eyes'.Thank You. 

Edited 10 years ago
Reason: Needed fresh reviews
Replies 1 to 5 of 5
  • Wired domain title.. hard to remember long to type in..
  • Nice theme..
  • Posts are long in front page so please consider using read more tag..
  • Would be nice if you can be more frequent with posting Tongue out


Priyam Saikia
from Guwahati
11 years ago

YEAAAAYYYY I got my first ( and only :p ) comment!!!Hey Hunky thanks a lot for your review. 

1.agreee with you on this, but I couldnt realy think of any other name that would 'name' my blog :)

2.Thank  you! 

3.would definitely consider this.

4.will be from now on, for sure! I am new on this, so presently a little at a loss to basically what to write about. But never mind, I am developing the skills.Thanks alot again!

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

enjoy Cool

Arghyadeep Kundu
Arghyadeep Kundu
from Kolkata
10 years ago

Shorten the address as he said and socialise more in blogosphere to earn more readers and add up a few more widgets like indiblogger badges so as to spice it up!

Priyam Saikia
from Guwahati
10 years ago

Thank you Arghyadeep Kundu for the reply. I'll definitely try to socialise more. But i really don't know what to do with the url...i just can't think of any :/ I'd surely add some more sidges like you said. Thanks again :)

Neha Joshi
Neha Joshi
from Pune
10 years ago

I would suggest make your blog more presentable. The font size is too small, a little bigger and clearer size for the font could work towards getting more readers. Make it a little more colourful! Wink

Your writing is good! Interesting! Keep writing! Do share your feedback for my blog too! Smile

Priyam Saikia
from Guwahati
10 years ago

hey thanks Neha for the reply. I did make the font size bigger, i hope it looks better now :) and thanks alot :)I'll surely read your blog and leave some comments.  


Anchit Shethia
Anchit Shethia
from Navi Mumbai
10 years ago

Domain name is real big. You might get less people to read your blog. Consider re-directing it to a new short URL. I have one if you wish to. Can mail me here.

Priyam Saikia
from Guwahati
10 years ago

Thanks alot Anchit :) I am seriously considering changing the blog url now :/ but what I don't know is- if I change the url now, will I not lose all my backlinks from the comments that I made or the links that I posted before hand. Thank you again for your suggestion, shall mail you regarding the same :) 

Anchit Shethia
Anchit Shethia
from Navi Mumbai
10 years ago

You can redirect you current URL to the new one. So whoever comes to this URL, will be directly taken to the new one. You will regain the Alexa and other stats in preiod of 2-3 months

Priyam Saikia
from Guwahati
10 years ago

that will cost won't it? pardon me I know nothing of this as yet :/