Neha Mishra would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for feedback on my blog and possible ways to improve.

Neha Mishra
Neha Mishra
from New Delhi
9 years ago

It is a personal blog. I write random poems, stories or just capture passing thoughts and pen them down.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Vineet Kumar
Vineet Kumar
from Delhi
9 years ago

Hi Neha. I am recently been more active Indiblogger and still trying to understand how to be part of this community in the most optimal way. Still I would like to give my views on your what seems to be a great blog.

1. Theme

Theme of your blog is based on a standard template by blogspot and is really good on eyes. The rainy theme of he background really compliments the mood of your writings.

2. Layout

The layout of your blog is a two pane based layout, where first pane contains posts and second one contains your love for IndiBlogger (in the form of badges), listing of popular posts, About me section and link to archives. Neatly done, thought I think About Me should be the first section but the order totally depends on personal preference.

3. Writing style

Really liked the introduction of your blog which ended with a point, "I feel. I write". This aptly reflects your passion for your writing.

4. Content

I can see you wrote a couple of poems that reflects some kind of emotional treachery inside you that I can't fully comprehend. The depth of the articles is too much to handle I guess for me. I can also find many other intersting articles on your blog. So it have a variety that could keep readers intersted. Although I can see you were active mostly in 2013, but not even a single post in 2014 (?) and now recently started to write again this year? If that's the case I wish you all the best.

Followed you on Indiblogger.


Here's a link to the review request of my blog.

Neha Mishra
Neha Mishra
from New Delhi
9 years ago

Hi Vineet!

Thank you. :)

Yes, 2014 was a bad phase, hence couldn't find words for the emotions to post online.

I'll be more frequent this year, positively. Hope to receive feedback from your end more often and that I write poems which would be lighter. :P
