Markapurapu Sumanth would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

please write a review on my tech blog.

Markapurapu Sumanth
Markapurapu Sumanth
from Guntur
9 years ago

The blog is disigined for tech and gadget updates.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Well, for starters, most of your content on the front page are the same, but do you have a lot of things going on. having multiple blocks only makes sense if you have that many content, but when its basically the same content circling around, its annoying. The rest are as follows:



Also, shoot the damn bird. Its coming in the middle of the content. Have you ever seen any proper news site having this thing? 








Post about lot of things in general, including software, gaming, etc. There's also 3D Printing too. Have you seen a lot of tech blogs in India talking about 3D Printing, open source, raspberry pi??? Do you see a lot of people talking about professional gaming teams? Tech is way too large as a genre alone. There are many niche within tech, and best part about having a general tech site is that you can cover a lot of things. Bring that versatality but have a simple and easy to look theme design. You will have to work a lot harder and maintain consistency if you want to grow in this line of work. Provide quality. Provide quantity. But don't sacrifice quality for quantity. Talk about internet. Talk about internet service plans. Talks about innovations. Talks about technology in cars. 


Post more than 400 words per news. Have a follow up on news as the news update about something progress. Link to the previous news on updated news post so that newer readers can know what happened earlier. In the future, you may want to consider getting a better domain name. "livetechnews1" isn't really catchy. Or atleast include "1" in your logo. Have a good logo design made. You can do it yourself and its pretty easy. 






Also, its "designed and not "designed". There are many places where there are a lot of mistakes in grammar and spellings. Use grammarly. Its not perfect, but it does much better job than browser's spellcheck. The font of the content is annoying. Its too big and its looks like its written in bold. Also, do you REALLY need the popular list on the side? In a news website, no1 wants to see older content.  

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Also, give credit to original news source. Most leading news website do it. I do it as:

Source: 1


One is backlinked to the original source. Same when it comes to using pictures. Now, a lot of pictures are press shots, but some are not- like leaked photos. Mentioning your source of information shows that you are doing research from your end, but try reading a lot about the same subject from multiple sources, link the sources but post the information based on your perspective and opinion. 

Markapurapu Sumanth
Markapurapu Sumanth
from Guntur
9 years ago
