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[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for review of my technology blog

from Bangalore
7 years ago

I have been blogging on and off since 2012, on various technology topics ranging virtualization, cloud computing and DC management. I would appreciate if you can review my blog and provide honest feedback

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
7 years ago

excerpt + featured image per article on the main page. It becomes difficult to scroll all the way down and people most likely will just give up. 





Some of your thumbnails does not link to full images. For example: "Azure automation:Using Graphical runbooks". It starts from " Click on edit and then “test pane” to do a test run of the template". I am assuming you are doing it for some commercial purpose, judging by the ad space towards the right. But the best inspiration is . I have been noticing that site since CHIP forum days, so its a long running website. Websites like yours are more of go-to guides and knowledge base and not 'traditional' tech blogs. The site is fine for the content you have, but you need a menu which points different categories of what you are covering. 

from Bangalore
7 years ago

Hello there.. Thanks for the review. I didnt understand what you meant by "Some of your thumbnails does not link to full images" Could you please elaboarate? I always upload full images. As a reader I want to understand if the experience is not good , and correct it if possible.



The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
7 years ago

Some of those thumbnails dont expand as full images.