Jasnoor Gill would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.techiesdomain.com/ ]

Please review my Blog - feedback appreciated :)

Jasnoor Gill
Jasnoor Gill
from Bangalore
14 years ago

My blog is just my way of staying in touch and writing about my experiences at the B-School I am attending, student life as well as my thoughts on the one thing I am absolutely passionate about - technology. So the topics may occasionally change from personal life stuff to tech and my opinions on things.

Would be interested in feedback on what people thing I am doing right, and what I should improve on. Feedback regarding the layout etc is also appreciated. I think I should go ahead and change it, but feedback would help me get it right when I make those changes. 


PS: Some of those posts may be the same as those posted by me on my school blog at www.isbweblog.com I am credited by name as their author on the school blog.

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Grammar
Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Jasnoor Gill
Jasnoor Gill
from Bangalore
14 years ago
hmmm.....thanks for the suggestion. Will reverse the color scheme then. White on black will look better? What say? :)
Jasnoor Gill
Jasnoor Gill
from Bangalore
14 years ago
Color Scheme changed. Please leave your feedback regarding the new look. Thanks
Jasnoor Gill
Jasnoor Gill
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Anyone willing to take a look and leave some feedback please? :)

Jasnoor Gill
Jasnoor Gill
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Revised the look and feel of the blog and added some twitter related/sharing stuff. Feedback appreciated.