Aman Deshmukh would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my Photoblog :: Aman Deshmukh Photography

I am sixteen, and so very much in love with photography. I remember getting my first camera when I was ten or eleven - and since then my love for this art has grown - from a simplistic Canon PowerShot A60 to a Canon 1000D.

I blog to show my photographs to the world, my friends and family. Also, this helps me organize my photographs according to time of capture!

Check out my blog at or my flickr photostream at



Replies 1 to 6 of 6
from Bangalore
13 years ago


I think u need to reduce the pic size as all go out of boundary and we can't see it completely.

Pics take so much time to load.

Its good to have a nice caption as well as 2 lines description for the photos.

need to work on font, font size and colors.

give links to other everybody will start looking at urs!!

-- Ash


umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I believe you got to work on captions, description and formatting of photos, basically i feel you have uploaded all discards fearing plagarism.....kudos good effort.



You checked out the new version of the Photoblog? So, have I made any improvements (hopefully!)? Could you give your feedback for the newer photoblog? :)

Sorry I have few negative comment.. Please dont mind..

  • Poor choice of domain name (it aint easy to remember for back visit or refer)
  • Poor choice of platform (should have been Gallery / Coppermine under selfhosted)

However, setting aside the plafform, your pictures are excellent !!!

Thanks for the feedback! For those who expect me to self host my website - all I can say is that its just been an year since I started blogging and I have no idea as to how I'm supposed to host a website on my own. Now since many of you have said that I need to work on the layout, I've come up with a completely radically revamped one. Check out the all new photoblog, and give me your feedback about the new layout. Thanks!


Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

I am not expert on photography, only my knowledge is.......when I see, what my eyes felt....they felt that they love your photography.........very much. 

Rest of things ....experts have explained.

all the best!

thank you! Making someone fall into love with my photography is the greatest I can do! Thank you so much...! :)

Jitaditya Narzary
Jitaditya Narzary
from Delhi
12 years ago

Hi Aman,

I like your passion for photography and I have liked whatever I have been able to see. I am saying this because I rarely get to see your posts after clicking on them. While these gallery viewes aesthetically pleasing, they take a lot of time to load (not everyone has broadband). For example, right now I am not being able to view anything. It is just loading endlessly. Most new visitors won't have patience for the same.

Best of luck for your revamped layout.