Ganeshreddy would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Please review my photography blog.

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Hi, My blog has been dedicated for only photography and i tried to make feel good as much as i could but i believe it could be still improved. so i request you please review my blog once and give me any valuable suggestions on how to improve it further and improve the look and  traffic for my blog.

Thank you in advance.

Ganeshreddy indireddy.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I liked most of the pics. The brown theme is a bit distracting. Maybe you can try dark grey or black which help to see the pics easily.

Most of your sidebar is bright and distacts from the pics. Try to cut down on stuff on the sidebar. You only need RSS and Email Subscription right now along with Archives and Categories, IMO.

On your home page, the Image Scrolling thing doesn't work until all images are loaded. It took around 20-30 seconds of time before I could use it. Try to cut down on animation that is unnecesary. your photography is about capturing an instant. Why have something that is in motion? Again, see if you can find a better theme.

I'm a newbie photographer. To me, it looks like you use a Canon 50mm/1.8 lens... Bokeh is good but slightly "messy" (for want of a better word).It is a great lens, assuming I am right about you having one.

Keep up the photography too. But some photos need work. Try Lightroom, its good.

Blog on!


Would appreciate a no holds barred review of my blog as well. Thanks!

from Noida
13 years ago

After rumbaho, there isn't much left to evaluate. Never-the-less, a great blog.

Try putting a background which is either very light or relatively dark as that would suit your blog.

Am not much into photography but can say that the pictures are good. Though some may need a bit more sharpness. Keep the photography on and going.

Best wishes with your blog.


And would truly be grateful for a review on my blog :