External Juice Passing Link ? Pl explain guys

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I was surprised to find a new terminology or criteria for determining our Indi rank, i don t know how many of you all have observed this recently.  This sounds funny or humourous rather but it is for geeks to understand and explain this new phenomenon to us non techies.  I am sure with this new criteria external juice passing links our Indi rankings will change in future.  Oh my goshSmile

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

That juice passing link is a link between any indiblogger with me.

Anyone who sends me orange juice will be considered a juice passing link and get 1 extra indirank point for every litre of orange juice that is sent to me. Sending me Vodka along with the orange juice will gain you a lot of favour and may add extra points to your score.

If the juice is beyond the expiry date, then you will lose 2 points, so make sure it is well within the "drink by" date.

Warning: Sending too much vodka may cause serious issues in point distribution in IndiRank as my keyboard keys start to jump around too much whenever I have too much vodka. I have contacted many computer hardware experts but they are unable to come up with a solution for this keyboard problem.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

You seem to be a vodka buff, lolz.  Well Orange juice goes well with vodka, white run and gin too.  Hope to catch you up in one of the Indi meetsSmile

from Mumbai
12 years ago

lol. Ineteresting Rumbaho

Today, the major search engines use many metrics to determine the value of external links. Some of these metrics include:

  • The trustworthiness of the linking domain.
  • The popularity of the linking page.
  • The relevancy of the content between the source page and the target page.
  • The anchor text used in the link.
  • The amount of links to the same page on the source page.
  • The amount of domains that link to the target page.
  • The amount of variations that are used as anchor text to links to the target page.
  • The ownership relationship between the source and target domains.

In addition to these metrics, external links are important for two main reasons:

1. Popularity

Whereas traffic is a "messy" metric and difficult for search engines to measure accurately (according to Yahoo! search engineers), external links are both a more stable metric and an easier metric to measure. This is because traffic numbers are buried in private server logs while external links are publicly visible and easily stored. For this reason and others, external links are a great metric for determining the popularity of a given web page. This metric (which is roughly similar to toolbar PageRank) is combined with relevancy metrics to determine the best results for a given search query.

2. Relevancy

Links provide relevancy clues that are tremendously valuable for search engines. The anchor text used in links is usually written by humans (who can interpret web pages better than computers) and is usually highly reflective of the content of the page being linked to. Many times this will be a short phrase (e.g. "best aircraft article") or the URL of the target page (e.g. http://www.best-aircraft-articles.com).

The target and source pages and domains cited in a link also provide valuable relevancy metrics for search engines. Links tend to point to related content. This helps search engines establish knowledge hubs on the Internet that they can then use to validate the importance of a given web document.


umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Pramod if i am to understand correctly, it calls for incorporating external links to your site, i hope it will fetch some milegeSmile  

umesh ji, incorporating external link at my site will be beneficial to the person whose link we incorporate. other site which finds my site useful and links back my site, is useful for me. now if that site has greater viewership than mine the better is the link juice.

from Kerala
12 years ago

Minimize the links from your site. Gain maximum links to your site ..

well said sujith ji.

from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I'm not sure if that generalization is actually correct. If you are linking out to good sites, then it is irrelevant. If you link to flagged or blacklisted sites that distribute malware, then you have a problem.

If I am mentioning something on my site, I don't see any harm in posting an outbound link to a site.

I think "juice passing links" simply refers to high ranked websites from where you get inbound links. It always works in your favour if you have a GPR of 2 and add incoming links from sites with higher PR than your's. That is what I understand from it.

I don't think there is any reason to deliberately minimize links (especially links that help your reader).

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