Locked profile picture for IndiBlogger.

Rachel John
Rachel John
from Abu dhabi
12 years ago

Hi all,

I want to put my profile picture for IndiBlogger. I tried to sign up for Gravatar, but couldn't. Since I  don't have much technical knowledge, i request your help.


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

At present, the only way to add a picture for your profile at IB is Gravatar. :) Perhaps it is showing you an error because you had already registered once and the account is still active? In that case you could get a password reminder for that mail and continue.. It'd help if you could tell why couldn't you sign up at Gravatar.

Rachel John
from Abu dhabi
12 years ago

Hi Leo,  Thanks for the quick reply. May be you are right since I had tried so many times for the same. In fact I had sent a mail to the Gravatar Support, but didnt get any respond. 

Cheers, Rachel.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Try for a password reset mail, and if that works, you  can reset and login to your Gravatar, and add the picture without problems. I'm not sure how long Gravatar takes to respond to support request mails.

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