Being Twenty Five...

Manish Muralidharan
Manish Muralidharan
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Hello People...

Being 25 years - Tell me what comes to your mind when you look back on the 25 years that you have lived your lives, your present state of life, what being 25 years of age means to you. It would be more helpful if you could specify your gender too.

I'm working on a new piece and your views would be a great input.

Thank You,


Clarification: Could be helpful if you people could be candid in your replies. I was hoping to catch the dilemma, the problems on this transition stage.

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: addition
Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Chennai
11 years ago

Interesting topic! :) OK so I am a female and in 25 years there were lot of things that happened in my life.. I became a professional from student, watched my love walk away from me, lovely friendships made, first salary, birthdays,vodka, heartbreaks, learnt to move on the hardest way, confusion between friendship, love and lust, craving for that someone who had left and nowhere to be seen, watching little dreams come true, became a pessimist then an optimist because of a lovely friend.. wheww.. and I learnt no matter what happens.. time and life waits for none, so just go with the flow make wise decisions, follow your heart but know when it is a stupid thing to do, act sensibly, make lot of friends.. and enjoy life.. for you've got only one afterall! :)

Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
11 years ago

@gayathri whoa !

Manish Muralidharan
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

@Gayathri: thank you so much. what I had in mind was something candid like this. Your inputs are priceless. 

@DVD: anything more to add to your reply? :)

from Chennai
11 years ago

DVD - :P words just flew out of my heart! :)

from Chennai
11 years ago

Sure Manish! You are welcome.. :) and thank you! :)

Manish Muralidharan
Manish Muralidharan
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

topic gone dead? people are hesitant to talk about their lives?

from Chennai
11 years ago

I think so.. :( I was expecting some interesting replies!

Manish Muralidharan
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

guess people are choosy over here. And, yes, it takes a certain amount of guts to openly discuss these things!

from Chennai
11 years ago

hmmm... UndecidedFrown

Manish Muralidharan
Manish Muralidharan
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Topic re-ignited.

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