What 'Writing' is for you?

Praveen Sinha
Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Hi all,I illustrate some conceptual artwork in photoshop as a hobbie and I have this idea for a series of illustrations.Will you help me by telling - What 'Writing' is to you??Like 'Writing my Story' 'Writing my passion' 'Writing my Job' 'Writing for fun'You know something like that, which can be summmed up in 2-3 words.Do tell me what you think I will try to make an illustration out of it.Aarigato 

You can check one work here : http://contemplatingme.wordpress.com/2012/12/11/amwriting-passion/

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Links are not allowed. But it does seem relavent in this context. But you need to put up more samples. This one sample does not say much.

Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Okay, by tomorrow night I will have some more concepts completed - then I can show it. But how can I show it without any links? Is facebook or deviantart link will do?Thanks for feedback 

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

As a rule, it is not allowed. But in your case, if you are really going to do what you say and you are good at it, I feel it makes sense. So I would at lease make allowance for you. Hopefully other mods will as well.

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

liked your concept Praveen :)

Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Thanks Anunoy :)

Praveen Sinha
Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

One follower gave me this idea that - 'Writing is like discovering for him'. So I made two 'Writing to Discover' illustration.And one 'Writing my Love' for everybody who loves writing.So anyone want to tell me - 'What 'writing' is for you'??Thanks :)  On Fool's comment -"Links are not allowed. But it does seem relavent in this context. But you need to put up more samples. This one sample does not say much." Do check the new illustrations, I think it may make it a little bit more clear.And when I will have 10 illustraions ready, I will place it in one gallery.Regards :) 

Easwar Arumugam
Easwar Arumugam
from Chennai
11 years ago

Basically, writing is nothing but thinking. But then,  what moves one to write depends on his mind-set.

Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Thanks Easwar for replying.Yeah! IT IS....one more blogger gave me the same suggestion. I decided to make one 'Writing to Think' & 'Writing & Thinking' illustrations.I wanted something different for them that's why taking some time.Hopefully, I will get the time for it in New Year.Happy New Year(too early but still) 

from kolkata
11 years ago


Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

:D...awesome line....I will surely make this one.Just after reading this line some ideas flashed in my mind.Thanks Ashu.

P.S - Though, I am away from my place till 5th Jan, so possibly after that. 

from Chennai
11 years ago

Writing for me is an escape. It's a creative-outlet. It's a way of creating magic by stringing words together. Writis make me, me.

Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Thanks lavanya for your ideas.You gave me a bunch of them...:)

Writing to esccape, writing is magic, writing makes Me Me...i will think more over them.Thanks again.

And Have a great New Year.

I can't call writing as my passion, but it's something which gives me happiness. 

Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

great...you know what gives you happiness then...:)I think it can be like - 'Writing is happiness' or 'Writing to be happy' simply.Also, your post gave me one more idea- 'Writing for/is freedom' thank Ritvik..:) 

Pratik Thorat
Pratik Thorat
from Kalyan
11 years ago

I think you can also make a artwork of "write to earn" what say...

Praveen Sinha
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Yeah.. I had one such idea - 'Writing my Job'...:P..in the same spirits.Thanks for your idea...:) 

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