
Raj Shekhar
Raj Shekhar
from Pune
15 years ago

For heavens sake I have been dictated,ordained,commanded,ordered in every conceivable way on this holy earth to blog about something other than SELF. All these tormentors of mine, needed to avenge my free flowing inherent articulatory senses to depict a digital biography of myself. They had indeed wanted to arrest my expression of freedom. To this effect, it had a seriously perilous and debilitating affect on my interest to blog - as is evident from the time passed by since my last post. I have however avowed not to bend down to the restrictions imposed upon me. To take a leaf from the recent disturbing events going around just a few hundred kilometers away from my place, I have decided not to shy away from writing about self (though there are little other things as happening in my life) - in face of all criticism,all mocking banters,hyper-excited slips of tongues,umbrageous statements passed - some even went to the extent of drawing analogies by designating me as being narcist - I continue to write,enthrall my readers,receive appreciative comments and take an honest feedback about the articles I have chosen to write - though absolute honesty in giving feedback is generally discouraged by me partly due to the definitive benchmarks set by me on who would comment and who would NOT and partly because of extreme honesty might bring in unwanted scorn thereby revealing the truths that certain "friends" of mine loathe the idea of reading my "un-naturally ornamented language".I would like to throw light on some of the commentators who have unreservedly touted quite a few times that my writings in all ways try to Shoo-off lesser vocabulary knowledgeable people. This comment can be made admissible with few off-shoots. First and foremost, I when I sit to pen a few thoughts of mine, I do not intentionally use flowery expressions. The words/phrases/sentences do come to me naturally and I rarely make an attempt to improvise on the content and constructs of the write up. Ravi, in this respect gains my jealousy - he is a far more organized,well structured and probably more skilled writer than Iam. Before penning his thoughts, he makes a genuine attempt to put in some coherence to the ideas and then proceeds any further. A diametrically opposite way of mine represents the fun in writing down the continuously ideating beams of electronic signals hitting my brain. I have never ever made any attempt to bring in order in the disorderliness of my ideas. Jotting down the never ending train of thoughts flowing in my mind and thereby bringing them to life by the hitting of keystrokes on this keyboard displays the ad lib method of postings which I savor the most.I must pause here to bring it to notice that the vocabulary of which Iam particularly proud of has not come with the strike of midnight. Rolling back a few years, the CAT had become my preocuupation for most time - woolgathering about the virtues of belling the CAT,entering the sacrosanct portals of IIM-A,graduating from there with Billions of dollars as the minimum annual remunerative package,thereby winning the jealousy of one and all around me. I had always known that english was one of my forte, wherein I had come to believe that with this gift for being able to blurt out a few sentences,though barely comprehendible to many others, I could easily become the real MASTER in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. The dream came tumbling down with the disastrously shameless performance recorded by me in my first attempt at CAT(a meagre 56 percentile) - thereby subsequent attempts have been showing dramatic improvements in percentile. I had indeed put in a himalayan effort to become so very vocab-rich that I wanted to dazzle all with my language. Though not fully succesful in that pursuit, I had become pretty much contented with the level of english which has dramatically improved over the years. This is the real reason, behind me, rarely if ever falling short of words/maxims to quote at many instances.There is another reason for my so-called "outrageously bombastic" language. Reading books,articles,journals et al, off late has become my passion. The language used in most of these has indeed impressed me to such an extent that I would want to let the creative juices flowing and thereby enabling me to express the feeling in a more dramatic and vivid manner. I sincerely make an attempt to try to NOT to borrow even a word from any of my earlier readings, though certain expressions do indeed creep into inadvertantly. Per me, the best way to improve on articulation of facts is through trying to tell the same old "Crow-filled-the-tumbler" story in an indeed expressive way. My idea is to make the reader squirt out literally , the content of the write up comes out of the screen/page in a fashion to make it seem as if real life enactment is going on in front of his/her eyes. That would be the ultimate goal - so near yet so far!!!Communications - as I have learnt in IT industry can make or break careers. I have indeed met quite a few technically brilliant stalwarts but communicatively impoverished. They could accomplish the SKY,but could NOT verbalize their achievements. I on the other hand, manage somewhere between technical splendor and communicative excellence. Unabashedly, I admit that I fall more towards the latter side of the balance. I communicate even my minutest achievements to hallucinate them to bring forth the illusory image of being THE ONE. It is entirely a different matter that my manager fails to recognize me - he always manages to give me peanuts as rewards. It has indeed become more of a norm than an exception, that letting the world know that you have conquered the everest, though in reality it would little matter whether this can be established or not.The last admission I make would indeed be that of self-indulgence. I indeed keep my posts restricted to the chosen few who I deem to be in the same league as mine to comment on my posts. The fact remains that, other deprieved souls need not fret upon this, I have a small piece of advice - Iam sorry, can I IGNORE you LATER !!!A host of many other reasons come to my mind supporting my language usage. However, if I fail to put a full stop now, I would be accompanying the sun when it rises. This would cause a total mess-up of my planned schedule for the last working day of the week.PS : My next upcoming post is indeed on a very recent topic , ideas for which are bubbling in my mind. I shall soon put them to post.Please pour in your UNBRIDLED & HONEST feedback on this confessional post of mine. I would be delighted to know .

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

@Raj - please do not submit your blog posts on this forum. This forum is to have a meaningful and relevant discussion with bloggers about blogging. Discussions about your blog posts should be on your blog! Smile

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

@ Raj .. Quite frankly man that discussion post was scarier than my Avatar.. lol!

Rajat Arora
Rajat Arora
from New Delhi
15 years ago

The only thing that took me here? The title of this thread matches with the title of my book! :P

Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

But the very phrase "I ,Me .Mysel"f is kind of old. ie, it's been used before at a lot of places.

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