Have u tried windows 7 ?

from pune
15 years ago

I tried ..... Please visit http://techfreakindia.blogspot.com

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
from New Delhi
15 years ago

"A 3.15 GB download took more than 10 hours to download."

sUCH a small file.If ever downloaded it, it will be an achievement for me in itself. LOL!

So congrats!


from pune
15 years ago
@Sriharsha Yes many sites, might be I will try myself in next week.. so be in touch. 1. Anyway ZDNet is right and authentic place. So you may visit http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=3287 2. Martin notes is equally good source , which I read thoroughly http://martinnotes.com/2009/01/11/windows-7-vs-ubuntu/ Right now ,I am evaluating the performance of of Vista and Windows 7. @Ves21 Is Mac OS X is still available for X86 platform? Can I run it in Vmplayer? Please update me. @ Prabhajot I hope one day you will get it. As I enjoy 2 M bps link , I managed it. Meanwhile you can obtain product key. At this stage , better obtain product key first for Win 7 by just registering for download, instead of actually proceeding for download.
Venu Vedam
Venu Vedam
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

I have downloaded Windows 7 and am currently playing with it too. Posted a first impressions article on my blog at http://www.indiblogger.in/blogger.php?blogger=2109

Check it out and don't forget to leave a comment.

Regarding Ubuntu - I've been using Ubuntu for a while now... I feel there is not much of improvement from Fiesty Fawn onwards - in terms of UI or usability. The Intrepid Ibex looks pretty much identical to Fiesty Fawn. 

I am not a great fan of Windows but Windows 7 is surely a step in the right direction after the Vista misadventure.

Venu Vedam
Venu Vedam
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

>> Ubuntu can out class Windows if the user is good at knowing his/her preferences and is ready to get his PC work for him, the way he wants. For all others, Windows is still here. ;) :)

That pretty much sums it up. A lay man will still find it difficult to work with Ubuntu and is probably better off with Windows. A geek or a tech savvy user has more power in Ubuntu (Or any other flavor of Linux) than he/she has in Windows.

Don't just write off Windows 7. It is much better than Vista and is very user friendly. It is what VIsta should have been. It cannot obviously give Ubuntu a run for its money because Ubuntu is free. But otherwise, Windows 7 is a decent OS.

Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

Use Ubuntu!!!Cool

It makes your life feel better! No worries.. No complaints!!

Besides.. Ubuntu is a beauty!!

And I don't think general comments on Windows 7 is not very encouraging!!


from pune
15 years ago
@venu vedam I am unable to see your post . please provide a correct link, m' eager to read your blog. @Ves21 Thanks i will defiantly try , BTW , Is the latest MAC OS is available for x86?As i have no idea about it , that’s why i am asking it. I just tried Mac os X on G3 & G4 long back. @Venu Vedam Yes, it is true , Linux and its flavors are still "techie 's stuff. common user still away from it. Though Almost all distros like FC , Suse , debian has impressive GUI. they still lacks on Usability front. It is a usability factor which is keeping GUI. they still lacks on Usability front. It is a usability factor which is keeping common people away from Linux. As far as tech superiority is concerned Tux is well ahead of Wintel but as far as usability is concerned it is behind. AND MOST IMPORTANAT POINT TO NOTE , the real power of windows 7 lies in its usability , otherwise (at this stage) i don’t think it is much more different than Vista.
from pune
15 years ago
@Ves21 correction!! I tried MAC os 7 on G3 and G4 , not OSX.
Venu Vedam
Venu Vedam
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

@venu vedam I am unable to see your post . please provide a correct link, m' eager to read your blog

Hi Techfreak, I ended up sending my account back into the Pending status when I changed the title of the blog! It is back online now. You can check it immediately. 

from pune
15 years ago
@venu vedam So u also experienced the same No disk found error with XP!.Nice Article and quite informative. have u tried some new features/command of windows 7 like displayswitch.exe ,psr.exe ,and inbuilt ISO burner?There are various key combinations of WinKEY + arrow keys & WinKey + 1 or 2 ,3 4,5 etc.

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