Submit best health and medical article for upcoming magazine

Dr Sujit
Dr Sujit
from New Delhi
8 years ago

Hello health bloggers, medical bloggers

We are coming up with 4th edition of hardcopy magazine wallpost in 2016 1st quarter. If you want your article to be published please send me.

And all health, medical related articles, posts, jokes and poetries will be accepted.

If not interested in writing, please submit your health blog for listing. We wiil list top 10 health and medical blogs in it.

He magazine will be posted in 20+ medical colleges in India,Nepal,Bangladesh,Egypt and other countries. Take this as an ooportunity to brand your profile blog.

From editors of Medchrome Magazine.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
8 years ago

Will medical bloggers be paid for the content that will get published? Any images of the previous 3 editions? Is the magazine run by a publication company? Will there be any verification done if an individual is capable and qualified to give a medical opinion? For articles and for site listing? 

Dr Sujit
from New Delhi
8 years ago

Hello Sorcerer,

Hope your queries are answered by my below post

Dr Sujit
Dr Sujit
from New Delhi
8 years ago

Here is the 3rd issue as a model:

It is Basically a Medical students Wallpost that willalso include half a section for health and entertainment ( related)

The Writers will not be paid, but will have opportunity to get exposure and build a profile.

We are not formal publication, but online a good brand and the purpose of this start is to move on to a 3 monthly paperback editions in future. Most probably the next edition in 2nd quarters of 2016 will be a formal magazine. 

The article will be peer reviewed if any thing related to medical topics is written.  Purely medical advices and prescriptions will not be published.

Stories, experiences, poems and travel logs will only be reviewed before publishing.

We are also publishing list of 10 good health/medical blogs. 

You can submit articles along with your credits/profile @

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