No Indirank?

Garima Bhatia
Garima Bhatia
from Hyderabad/Canada
14 years ago


My Bolg address is

When I click on my stats, I get the following messages-

  • There was a problem detecting your feed. When you access your blog using Firefox, click on the rss feed icon in your address bar. Do you see a valid feed? If you need help, do ask around at the forum.
  • You don't have a Google Pagerank as yet. That's ok if your blog is new, Google updates Pagerank every few months. If you've been blogging for a while, you should try and get some relevant links to your blog.
  • You don't have an Alexa rank.
  • There may be a problem with the dates on your feed, if not you should blog more often!
  • You don't have an IndiRank. Is there a problem with your feed?

I have checked the feed, there are Atomm and RSS feeds.

Can you please help me resolve this?


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