How Bad Was Your Transition..!?

from hubli
14 years ago

hey everybody..!

this is just another thing i wanted to  discuss that how bad was ur transition from a college goer to a professional working class hero or villain (whatever suits u )

well  as far as me..! i feel so damn bad.. this job life is hectic and boring..! no excitement and of all..! u got no freedom!! :(

well i guess this might be a topic to discuss since most of all are here coz of this.! ( a little fun outta the system.! )

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
Siddhesh Kabe
Siddhesh Kabe
from London
14 years ago

I loved the transition... u c i simply loved the transition...u c i turned out to be a villain...:P and i am enjoying it....:D 

Tavish Chadha
Tavish Chadha
from Hyderabad
14 years ago
The transition i had was interesting. I always wanted to be in software. Got into it after my engineering, it was great, was earning my own money, made loads of new friends... but after 2.5 years its monotonous... so the transition wasnt bad, but change is the name of the game.... dont stay stuck on on thing @Hiyaa: Thats one hell of a profile, would love to have that kind of a profile! :)

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