Work life balance

from India
14 years ago

This topic is dedicated to my boss who follow these steps to be happy.I was sitting with her the other day discussing how she manages to be so happy under pressure.She gave me some tips which I would like to share1)Stop seeking perfection:Perfection is good at one point to prove excellence but on the other hand it creates obsession with meeting inhuman standards that can cause anxiety,low self esteem .2)Be a happy worker:Why work should damper your spirits at home.Live lively at home when things go bad at work3)Attention:Sometimes its difficult to focus at work.Meditation can help gain that focus that is necessary in everyday life4)Learn to say no:It is not necessary to be straightforward to say no.You can deal diplomatically by having plan B in order to say no5)Practice daily rituals:Good rituals are necessary for emotional,psychological and spiritual health6)Reclaim your days:Slowdown the pace of your life by accepting the things and finding out what really matters to you7)De stress your day:Exercise is one of the most important tool for battling stress .It can help restore your hormone and calm your nervous system

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from Thiruvananthapuram
14 years ago

Seems like excerpts from a time management book. Neverthless all points are correct

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