Mercy plea against death sentence

from goa
12 years ago

Recently there has been lots of news about the mercy requested by the assassins of Rajiv Gandhi and the attackers of parliament. I would liked to know whats your views on this. Should their sentence be changed to life sentence?.

In my personal view i would say yes it should be brought down to life sentence. Surprised? There are to reasons for my views. First i am against death sentences, as the situations terrifies me where a human being has to know his exact day of death and count down to it.

Second reason is i think death sentence is not adequate a punishment for the evil deeds they have committed. What i would suggest is to lock them in a dark cell with no human contact for the rest of their life. No outside contact of any sort and they shouldn't be allowed to meet anybody during their life sentence. And by life sentence i mean their "WHOLE LIFE". They should be given same tasteless food everyday with care taken to give them adequate nutrients to survive. All the necessary health treatment should be given without to much human contact (except mental health treatment). Let them think about what they did their whole lives. If possible make them remember everyday about the crimes they committed like maybe the rajiv gandhi assassin can be made to hear the news of that assassin or something. Do this till they plead for death sentence or go insane and at that point their punishment will be fulfilled.  

Now some of you may think i am a sadist or something. if you do then ask somebody who has lost a person they knew in this terrorist attacks because some of the crackheads thought it patriotic to kill somebody and or were promised heaven for killing other human beings. If i have hurt anybodies feeling i am really sorry.


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Alberta
12 years ago

NO sense in putting good tax money to feed and provide for such heinous people, I'd want them put down immediately.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

I think our honorable president had too much of leisure to look in to such long pending files. What was the hurry to clear it so soon?

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