Problem with the Followers widget on Blogger...

Sambit Satpathy
Sambit Satpathy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Is it only me or is anyone else facing the same problem as me? My 'Followers Widget' has somehow developed a mind of its own. It decides on its own when to display and when not to. There are times when I have to refresh my page about 10 times till it can display itself. 

It is causing a major irritation. Though I'm still getting a steady traffic, I might be loosing out on so many potential followers.

Any help will be really appreciated.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from hyderabad
12 years ago

It is a problem that was existing since ages. I think that except the Google team, no other people can do anything about it.

Sambit Satpathy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Right. So how do I go about registering a complaint with the Google team?!

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yes, that is a problem prevalent in blogger! Even I have not been able to follow some blogs and because of this my bookmarks menu has become quite a clutter.

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