Status: On hold, awaiting more blog posts.

Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
10 years ago

One of my new blog, that I have been blogging regularly for the last few weeks is in the on hold status. Blog name One Changed Life. Would be good if someone can have a look and approve.


Dr.Spencer Jones


Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Please raise a ticket for your issue here. I hope this helps and someone from the IndiTeam gets back to you real soon! Smile

from New Delhi
10 years ago

They would have send you a mail telling you about the hold and would have told you to revert. You can also use that link to reach them. If not available then what Arti has suggested is good.

PS - You can actually say you are Dr.Jones that's cool (Indiana jones reference) Cool

from India
10 years ago

I think the Status says it all - Status: On hold, awaiting more blog posts. As far as I know, there's a minimum posts limit that must be there before your blog would be approved on Indi I don't really know the number of posts they require, but, for sure, there's one in place.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Earlier, the limit was explicitly stated as 5. Now, they changed it.

If you just started blogging and have only a few blog posts up, or if you haven't updated your blog in a long time, your account will be put on hold and we will check back later.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I think I am wrong. Checked at but I didn't get any page talking about the magic number five. Innocent

I think IB said that to someone on twitter when they asked  to approve their blog so that they can submit a post for some contest....

Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
10 years ago

Thank you everyone, Right now I have around 10 posts in my blog. And 6 of them are from this month. 

I'll try the link Arti suggested.

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