Who should be our PM

Sumit Sharma
Sumit Sharma
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Guys What you think that this time our country needs a new party with a new leader with a totally new avtar or the PM should be one of the current leaders ????


Reply with reason please Cool

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from Perth
15 years ago

Wah Mr.Balasubramanyam! look who's talking politics now! lol

Well, I will accept your points but a few are contradicting. See, if you make blogging compulsory for every Indian above the age of 18, then there'd hardly be any revenue on water, food and electricity if your other monetising plan was taken into the manifesto. 

so here's what I propose - I will take your idea of amending the constitution instead of the 100 crore copyright idea. those 100 crores could be kept in reserve as we wouldn't make much money on electricity and water, like i mentioned. And I shall appease you with a post as the finance minister. That ways, you can serve India and serve urself.

And since you kept the ideas open to both me and Delson, I shall try to buy the ideas first but my opposition seems to be away. So until he is back, I shall maintain justice by not trying to bribe you for the ideas.

In my India, there shall be Justice! 

until then sir, as my Finance minister, I welcome you to read my ideas on increasing the cash flow in the Indian market. I knew such a case would come up, so this post was written much earlier in anticipation. See, I understand India! Wink 


Just a second, Varun, if you don't mind, can I be the Defence portifolio, instead of Finance ? There is more possibility in it, in you know what, than in the Finance Ministry.

I already have some bright ideas for the country's defence that will save you a lot of money, and compensate for the 100 crore rupees you are cheating me out of.

I propose that we disband our army and recruit virtual forces instead, who needn't be paid anything. My only fear is sofware piracy may increase our virtual forces to such a level that China will feel threatened, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

We wont have to buy anymore tanks and rockets if we have a virtual army, so we can disengage from America by cancelling the nuclear deal. that will placate Karat, and will give stability to your government.

Are you impressed enough, Prime Minister Varun, by my strategic thinking to give me Defence?

And if either of you plan to stand for election from UP, here is one killer idea that I am disclosing to entice you to my other monetised ideas:-

- I will ban blogging in English if I am elected.

(Note, this idea comes with a rider. Use it only in UP. It might backfire if used at other places and seriously jeopardise your chances at the hustings.)

Here are some free ideas for inclusion in the election manifesto of Delson and Varun. I am giving them free so that you get interested in my other monetised ideas.

- I will pass RTB Act if I am elected. (Now don't ask what RTB is, it is Right to Blogging, stupid!)

- I will amend the constitution to make blogging compulsory for every citizen of India above 18.

- I will make non-blogging a punishable crime, with a fine of Rs. 5,000 and/or a non-bailable, rigorous imprisonment for 6 months.




Wish you all the best Varun. But you won't stand a chance, unless you throw in a lot more populist measures in your manifesto. Here are some ideas. All of these are copyrighted, so after you get elected, remember to deposit Rs. 100 crores in my Swiss Bank account. I will give you the number after you make it to 10 Janpath. If you don't, beware, I will buy all your cabinet members and pull down your government!

- 1 kg of rice rice at 3 paise per kg for every blog post made by a citizen of India 18 years and above.

- loan waiver up to Rs. 15,000 for the loans taken by every blogger who has posted regularly on his/her blog for the last one year.

-  free electricity and internet connection to every household which can prove that it has at least three bloggers.

- if there are more than three bloggers, water supply too will be provided free.


(PS to Delson: In case these ideas interest you, Delson, you can jump into the fray too. I can give you exclusive rights if your offer is better. I have some undisclosed killer ideas too; you can approach me directly at the phone number I have mentioned.)




from Perth
15 years ago

hmm...very wise decision Kadambari. Like the opposition, my India would encourage bloggin as well. New bloggers will get a rupee a word for their first ten posts and existing bloggers would get a five hundred rupees on reaching every tenth post*.


*conditions apply and will not include posts with under a hundred words.


I think, for the sake of keeping this thread relevant to Indiblogger, we could probably hear such manifestos and decide a panel of ministers here on Indiblogger, who'd look after various needs of their fellow bloggers. Like monetisation in finance ministry, spams and getting rid of them in the defense ministry. Webspace and adverts could also make up a mini stock market scenario here will all the demand for the cheapest.


from Perth
15 years ago

I really haven't been following the run up to the elections much but the earlier reply of Mayawati being a probable really does scare me quite a bit. cos its really uncertain what that govt might have in its agenda.. 

I wouldn't want Varun Gandhi as well, as in ..in any post in the govt. We all know what sorta headlines the papers start having. Obviously we don't want other countries to laugh at us. 

Rahul...hmm...tired of the Gandhis and trips to Amethi with the British Foreign Secretary. 

Advani does look good for the seat. 

Wouldn't want any minister or ex-minister from the two southern most states. THat'd either not support capitalism as much or there would be too many Lexus and Mercedes on the roads.

I look pretty good for the seat I guess. In my India, people who ridicule the country will get a year's exile. Expats found doing the same will get a year's community service!

and also, in my India, people who quit BLogger and join WP will get a free domain and webspace for as long as they want.  

मायावती के प्रधान मंत्री बनने से एक रोचक स्थिति बनेगी।

देश का प्रधान मंत्री और राष्ट्रपति दोनों महिलाएं होंगी।

शायद ऐसा दुनिया में पहले कहीं नहीं हुआ है।

Let us widen the choice. Select one from these:

- Lalu

- Paswan

- Mulayam

- Karat

- Gowda

- Naidu

S K G Rao
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Why have you left Our Lady Jayalalitha she is born in Karnataka,the last time when the problem of this type arouse they have selected the the old man in a hurry Gowda,Jaya is young so she must be given a chance.Afterall when the position comes the rest all will flock and she can keep the PM's Chair pretty warm.

Rao Saheb, we have better candidates than Jaya now.

Whom do you prefer, Delson or Varun?

(Sorry I posted this reply at the wrong place earlier.)

S K G Rao
from Bangalore
15 years ago


I am serious please Varun OK as Home Minister,Delson I don't know who that person is please,my apologies.

S K G Rao
S K G Rao
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Both Congress & BJP will do anything and everything to get majority magic number with a Boeing Cabinet in which case you know who will be the PM.

We keep our fingers crossrd that Taliban wont bother our brothers in J & K.

Rao Saab, we have better candidates than Jaya now.

Whom do your prefer, Delson or Varun?

Rao Saheb, I have posted a solution to the Taliban problem a little lower down in this discussion.

Do tell us what you think of it.

Adesh Sidhu
Adesh Sidhu
from Gurgaon
15 years ago

I think we will have a rotating PMs. First six months Mayawati, Next six months deveGowda jee and so on.

That will be something unique to our country...attempted no where in the world.

I have a better idea. There are so many prime ministerial hopeful. It will unfair to choose only two. Why not twelve? Then we can have one new PM every month. Won't that be fun?

I suggest this order:

- Karat (May 16 to June 16)

- Maya (June 17 to July 16)

- Naidu (...)

- Lalu (...)

- Gowda

- Paswan (...)

- Jayalalita (...)

-  Rahul

- Advani

- Manmohan

- Modi

- Delson (April 17 to May 16)


If there happen to be more hopefuls, there is a simple solution. They can pass a bill in parliament and redifne a year as consisting of as many months as are required. For example, if there are 15 hopefuls they could legislate that a year will have 15 months.

How do you like my idea? Shall we put it to vote?

Sumit Sharma
Sumit Sharma
from New Delhi
15 years ago

@Vyas So you will leave your country in Vain ????

from Mumbai
15 years ago

You know, i'm all for development, change, progression, 'yes we can!' and all that bullsh*t. I dont trust the system anymore. I dont trust the government to make a change in process while keeping us all comfortably numb. Which is why, i take this opportunity to say, hey - i am the change you want to see! So vote for me - singh/chana! Amir bhi khate garib bhi khate....!

मैं समझता हूं कि मायावती बनेगी।

एक कहानी याद आ गई, शायद पंचतंत्र की है। दो बिल्लियों को रोटी का टुकड़ा मिला, पर वे झगड़ने लगे कि किसे उसका कितना हिस्सा मिलेगा। वे मध्यस्थ करने एक बंदर के पास गए। बंदर ने पहले रोटी को दो टुकड़ों में फाड़ा, एक बड़ा एक छोटा। फिर बड़े में से एक बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा मुंह से काटकर खुद खा गया। अब पहले का बड़ा टुकड़ा छोटा हो गया। बंदर ने अब पहले के छोटे टुकड़े में से एक बहुत बड़ा टुकड़ा खा लिया... इस तरह सारी रोटी बंदर ही खा गया और बिल्लियों को कछ न मिला।

बिल्लियों की जगह कांग्रेस और भाजपा पढ़ें, और बंदर की जगह भासपा, तो बात आपको समझ में आ जाएगी।

मायावती यदि 60-70 सीटें जीत जाएं, तो उन्हें प्रधानमंत्री बनने से कोई नहीं रोक पाएगा। और लगता यही है कि उन्हें इतनी सीटें जरूर मिल जाएंगी।

कांग्रेस या भाजपा के पास इस बार कोई दमदार चुनावी मुद्दा नहीं है। उनके गठबंधन बिखर गए हैं। और मायावती उनकी गलतियों का खूब लाभ उठा रही है।

वरुण को द्वेषपूर्ण भाषण देने के लिए रासुका के तहत जेल भेज देना मायावती का मास्टरस्ट्रोक था। इससे मायावती तुरंत मुसलमानों का मसीहा बन गई और समाजवादी पार्टी से मुसलमानों को अपनी ओर खींच लाने में कामयाब हुई।

समाजवादी पार्टी अब तक मुसलमानों का मसीहा बताता घूम रहा था, पर कल्याण सिंह को अपनी पार्टी में शामिल करके उसके इस दावा का खोखलापन लोगों को स्पष्ट हो गया है। इसलिए मुसलमान पहले से ही समाजवादी पार्टी से खिन्न चले आ रहे थे।

मायावती ने दलित-ब्राह्मण-मुसलमान का एक विजयी तिकोन बना लिया है, और अधिकांश दलितों की मंशा भी यही है कि अब की बार देश का प्रधान मंत्री उन्हीं में से कोई हो। पासवान की तुलना में उन्हें मायवती के जीतने की संभावना ज्यादा नजर आ रही है, इसलिए मायावती को खूब वोट मिलेंगे, और संभवतः वह दिल्ली जीत सकेगी।

आपकी क्या राय है?

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