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Please review my renewable energy blog to improve myself

from Tamilnadu
11 years ago

This blog contains DIY projects and technology updates relevent to green energy. Please give your feedbacuk about design, content and what ever you feel, Thank u

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
11 years ago

Your DIY projects are excellent. I was very impressed with the multi-stage wind turbines. Try to do more projects like that and post it in your blog. Also try to put the total cost involved for each project, how much electricity it can generate, how the electricity can be stored/used, from where can we buy the basic materials involved in making the devices, etc. These inputs will be very useful to people who want to build it or students who want to do their projects.

'Home' should come before 'Green blog magazine view' and allow people to follow your blog via RSS and email (use Have an about page with details on how to contact you (at least an email address). Your use of lables is good, continue with them. In the titles, use the words Do it yourself in addition to DIY. Some people search using the full form.