Literature in your profession/academics/other fields

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Before going into the discussion, read the following:





The Infamous Hello World Program. 

Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience.  

Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace.

Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet.

Hamlet, the flatterer of Andersen Insulting A/S.


Act I: Hamlet's insults and flattery.

Scene I: The insulting of Romeo.

[Enter Hamlet and Romeo]

Hamlet:You lying stupid fatherless big smelly half-witted coward! You are asstupid as the difference between a handsome rich brave hero and thyself!Speak your mind!You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dustyold rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer'sday. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of thesweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! Speak your mind!You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the differencebetween a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind.Speak your mind!

[Exit Romeo] 


Scene II: The praising of Juliet. 

[Enter Juliet]

Hamlet: Thou art as sweet as the sum of the sum of Romeo and his horse and his black cat! Speak thy mind!

[Exit Juliet] 


Scene III: The praising of Ophelia. 

[Enter Ophelia] 

Hamlet: Thou art as lovely as the product of a large rural town and my amazing bottomless embroidered purse. Speak thy mind! Thou art as loving as the product of the bluest clearest sweetest sky and the sum of a squirrel and a white horse. Thou art as beautiful as the difference between Juliet and thyself. Speak thy mind!

[Exeunt Ophelia and Hamlet] 


Act II: Behind Hamlet's back.

Scene I: Romeo and Juliet's conversation. 

[Enter Romeo and Juliet] 

Romeo: Speak your mind. You are as worried as the sum of yourself and the difference between my small smooth hamster and my nose. Speak your mind! 

Juliet: Speak YOUR mind! You are as bad as Hamlet! You are as small as the difference between the square of the difference between my little pony and your big hairy hound and the cube of your sorry little codpiece. Speak your mind!

[Exit Romeo] 


Scene II: Juliet and Ophelia's conversation. 

[Enter Ophelia] 

Juliet: Thou art as good as the quotient between Romeo and the sum of a small furry animal and a leech. Speak your mind! 

Ophelia: Thou art as disgusting as the quotient between Romeo and twice the difference between a mistletoe and an oozing infected blister! Speak your mind!



Probably more than half of you  (including me Tongue out ) haven't read the above thing completely. Never mind! Smile The above thing ( play ? ) is a program in the Shakespeare programming language (wiki) which prints 'Hello World' on the screen. The language was designed so that one can write programs that look like a play. ( to a certain extent ). 

In short, it is Computer Science + Literature !

Are you aware of any such things in your profession / academics or some other field that may or may not be related to you where literature/ writing/ poetry/ drama has been combined with an unrelated thing? If yes, do share them and enlighten others! Smile

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: small change
Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

My job involves a lot of creative writing. I once even sent a very 'creatively written' application letter and actually ended up getting a job because of it.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Sounds creative... Smile

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Reminds me of my friend who used to write Pink Floyd lyrics in between the lines of code to kill boredom. There was also this quality requirement of certain percentage comments per lines of code. So these Pink Floyd lines would fill the requirements.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Lyrics fulfilling quality requirements! Mind blowing! Innocent

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