Robinsh Kumar would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 43

Please Review and Guide Me to Attract More Loyal Readers

Robinsh Kumar
Robinsh Kumar
from Allahababd
10 years ago

Hello friends I'm here to connect with you all on the personal level and that's why removed all my main blogs that are also the source of money making for me.

Please review my blog and help me to know that how I could attract more friends, followers, fans or readers for life ?

Thanks for your time !

Replies 1 to 2 of 2

Hey nice website, but why keeping just a static page when running a blog, please go into list view with many posts to chose from for a first time visitor :)

Robinsh Kumar
Robinsh Kumar
from Allahababd
10 years ago

Thanks you so much Hunky, I was not caring for the first time visitors but now I know what to do ....