WeChat with Anyone, Anywhere!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

Who's in the mood to get creative? Smile We've got a new contest up, with some drool-worthy prizes. Let us know if you have any questions!


I'm betting Ranjith has already created a thread on this contest by now. Laughing

Replies 21 to 40 of 387 Descending
Mamata Patil
Mamata Patil
from Gurgaon
11 years ago

My entry for the contest http://dreammamata.blogspot.in/2013/05/the-new-way-to-connect-disney-princess.html

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Nope. Not here. This might lead you to be banned which needless to say means disqualification from contest. Treat this is as first official warning.

Mamata Patil
from Gurgaon
10 years ago

Unknowingly I have posted my blog link over here. How to delete this now?


Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Sounds fun... lets bring the past present and future togther at least on a blog post@

Mohammed Irfan
Mohammed Irfan
from Calicut
11 years ago

Whoa this contest has exactly the prizes as in my wishlist.. like totally! And I'm a fan of WeChat app too! Hope I can cook up something for this. Btw, picking up 10 people wouldn't have been hard.. 

Sampath Bhoompally
Sampath Bhoompally
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Renie Is that a mistake or is it like that?

The blog posts will be displayed on 15 June 13 and Contest also closes at same day.?Is that right or wrong ?

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Detective eyes! Smile You are probably the first one to observe it! Or, did other simply ignore the matter?  Innocent

from New Delhi
11 years ago

I had noticed it earlier... though,

I guess it's a good decision to display the posts once the contest submission is closed. This would prevent people taking "inspiration" from others and basically letting everyone come-up with original and unique versions for the topic.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Simply google 'WeChat IndiBlogger contest' or something similar ( after a few days ) and you'll be able to find atleast one fourth of the entries.

from Bangalore
11 years ago

I also gt the same doubt. Is the last date to submit and the day entries get displayed the same ?! 

Frankly I feel the date shud be extended Renie !!there r many contests lining up . There shud be some breather !! Smile

from hyderabad
11 years ago

All contests would anyway be extended by atleast ten days or even more if we are lucky! Smile

from Bangalore
11 years ago

There should be an intermission between contests Undecided please consider the request !

from hyderabad
11 years ago

A summer break ? Laughing



I too seriously need a break! Frown

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

they extend it anyway, so there should be enough time

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Now, I am doubtful if they will extend the Apollo contest as it has already received over 150 entries! Frown

from hyderabad
11 years ago

None of the 25 posts have a reply from others! Surprised IB has been missing me ( and may be AS Tongue out also ) a lot! Sealed

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I think that the prices have been mentioned for people like me who first google to find out the worth of the prizes even before reading the topic completely! Sealed

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

Tongue out 

Navin Bajaj
Navin Bajaj
from Mumbai / New Delhi
11 years ago

Hi all! As you might remember, I had left Indiblogger years ago. But I still keep getting mails from the site almost every other day inviting me to enter their contests. That's how I got to know about this WE CHAT contest. The prizes are good and I felt like participating, but I won't. Here's why:

1. The contest is not hosted on the Indiblogger site but on the personal website/blog of the contestant. This means that the contestant ends up being judged not just for the quality of his/her contest entry BUT also on how well maintained his/her blog site is. It is but natural that the Contest Judges' decision of choosing the winners gets heavily influenced by A) The TRAFFIC generated by the Bloggers' web page. B) The LAYOUT and LOOK of the blogger's website.  So obviously, those who are not technically adept in the beautification of their blogsite stand at a huge disadvantage. I, for one, have not updated my blog site in years!

2. The Promotional Contest Blog entry may be a total mismatch with the topics the Blogger blogs about routinely, and may stand out like a sore thumb. Also, the bloggers stand to lose respect among their readers if every second day they start posting Promotional material on their sites.

Every contest run by Indiblogger.in is sponsored by a vastly different sponsor. The Sponsors and the Products they make are so diverse & varied that if a blogger starts participating in every contest, his/her blog will become a KHICHDI of sorts. And trust me, that's not nice!

So what's the solution? I suggest that Indiblogger should give the OPTION of posting Contest Entries on their OWN website rather than posting a LINK to the Blogger's blog site. This would help people like me who do not have the time to run a blog any more. I know I'm proposing a radical change in the policy of Indiblogger, but this is essential if you want to attract more people to your contests. Don't just restrict your contests to people having an active blog, butprovide your own space for people to post their contest entries. This would also mean that the judgement of winners will be based purely on their content (since the page layout will be the same for everyone) and not on how good looking or well maintained their web pages are.  In my opinion, this will ensure a much fairer judgement in the contests run by Indiblogger. 

Another solution would be to have more TWITTER based contests rather than based on individual blogs. If the sponsors who do their promotions here on Indiblogger do their research, they will realize that they will get much more mileage for their products via TWITTER than via Indiblogger. I know what I'm proposing would seem detrimental for Indiblogger's business, but then Indiblogger should also shift to Twitter. Learn to change with the times. 



Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

its a blogging contest thats why one has to blog about it. 

from New Delhi
11 years ago

I'd have to say I disagree with it for number of reasons:

1. The sponsors will never come forward if the posts appear only on IndiBlogger site. The whole point of putting up prizes valued in the lakhs is to gain exposure through the bloggers who write about the product.

2. If one does not blog any more, then it's simply a case of bad-luck. Because, IndiBlogger is a community of Indian Bloggers and the contests are organised speciafically for its members. (PS. It is necessary to have an approved blog to join IndiBlogger)

3. If the topic of the contest does not fall within the bracket of your blog's theme - don't write about it. Simple! In the past couple of months, IndiBlogger has hosted many contests and yet, this is the first one I'm intend on participating in. Reason? The others were about shampoos, beauty products and gourmet cooking... not related to my blog in anyway.

4. If you're okay with the Twitter based competitions, then you should also remember that the sposor of the contest may get influenced by the number of followers one has while choosing a winner. The situation will remain the same either way.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

@ Renie

Should the tweets come from a real and active account?

from Mumbai
11 years ago
I was, kind of, expecting this query from you Ranjith :)
from hyderabad
11 years ago


What else can people without an active twitter account do? Undecided

from Mumbai
11 years ago
Like me?
Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Have a question...how do you replace Indiblog contests with twitter? What is the similarity? I am really not understanding this.....I am sure marketers are already using twitter based contets as a platform for promotional activities...I think any company/person will chose Indiblog/Any blogging group to host a contest to reach out to bloggers only right??.....Please enlighten me on this Smile

from hyderabad
11 years ago

@ DS Like us. Smile

@ Sfurti If I am not wrong, IB had in the past conducted twitter contests for its sponsors during IndiMeets. Twitter contests can never substitute the IndiVine contests. They just help us relax by grabbing big pizes with short and witty 160 character tweets. 

Companies approach IB because it has a large number of bloggers who in turn have a large number of followers. If a follower reads the blog posts of the blogger, then he will probably read the tweets also. All that the company wants is reaching out to more and more people - the path choosen doesn't really matter. If they choose bloggers for promotional twitter contests, the number of participants will be less but the reach would be high as they have followers. If they allow everyone to participate, the number of participants would be large but the number of followers for each of those participants may not be large, so the overall number of interent users to whom the message reaches will still be the same.

Another advantage of choosing bloggers is that troll tweets would be considerably lesser.

P.S. What I've written isn't making much sense when I read it now but since I've written a big paragraph, let me hit the 'Reply to Ranjith' button. Undecided

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Yesssss...got lost in middle of the longggggggggggggggg para Smile

And I do not agree to the point "All that the company wants is reaching out to more and more people" ONLY. There can a lot of other marketing problems and the reasons for different contests can be different like only enhancing awareness, or enhancing quality of awareness...or awareness is not a problem at all but they want to develop relevance of their product etc etc etc......

from hyderabad
11 years ago

One hour passed by since I have replied... and now, I myself don't agree with most of the things I said! Surprised

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Haha Cool, stop typing start sleeping 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

The same applies to you and everyone who stays awake even after 11-12  Tongue out

11 years ago

interesting contest .

Ayushi Bhatia
Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
11 years ago


DeePak Singh
DeePak Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Great Contest !!

from Noida
11 years ago

Wow wht a cool concept!! My imagination is already flying.... Looking fwd to some awesome reads wid dis!! :)

Satyen Poojary
Satyen Poojary
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Woah, noob alert. Didnt have a clue that there would be competion with the pros!Submitted my entry for the first time ever for a contest! Lets see how it goes!

Best of luck! 

from chennai
11 years ago

Renie Ravin how can I view the already submitted entries! 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

You can view the entries only after 15/6/13. ( See the text on the right here )

Amit Sharma
Amit Sharma
from NCR
11 years ago

Are multiple entries allowed?

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Yes, multiple entries are allowed.

from New Delhi
11 years ago

Can we select our own Title for this post or is there any particular title for it? 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

You can choose any title.

Jatender Pal Singh
Jatender Pal Singh
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Hey even though I have submitted the entry and it's visible on http://jpsinghspeak.blogspot.in/2013/05/wechatwith-anyone-anywhere-contest-is.html, but how can I be sure that my post has been receieved and its a valid entry, i wanted to take part in this contest, so please anyone can help me or can confirm or can provide he link from where I can be assure that my entry has been receievedThank youGod Bless 

from hyderabad
11 years ago

You are the best judge for the validity of the entry. IB doesn't notify members of invalid entries ( as far as I know ) Infact, an entry is valid as long as you write something related to the topic. Reading the side headings of your blog post, I can assure you that it is valid.

And regarding whether your entry has been successfully submitted, if you have submitted your entry by following the link on the contest page 

and have seen the message 'Your post has been submitted' ( or something similar ) then be assured that it was successfully submitted.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

If you are still in doubt, remember to visit the contest page after 15th June ( the date on which the contest entries will be made visible ) If you don't see your entry over there, open a support ticket and they might help you.

 Visit this page and I think that your IndiVine post will will be listed there. ( thought I'm not sure about it - Currently, I have no entries to contests whose entries are still hidden , so I can't say whether the previous statement is true)

Moreover, if an IndiVine post is submitted for a contest, then that post will contain words like 'Posted under --- category---, --- Contest Name ---' For example, a post submitted for Dove Braids contest will contain the following line in the IndiVine post.

See this page for an example.

IMPORTANT : The contest rules say : All entries must have a link to  WeChat's Youtube channel which you haven't done. 

Samarth Nayak
Samarth Nayak
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Guys I have a doubt. The contest detail provided on the Wechat competion page says - If you could connect with 5 or more people in a WeChat "group"- who would they be, and why?

So I guess this means that we would not only be judged on how creatively we choose our characters but also on how those 5 characters interact between themselves. Right?

Let me know what you guys think.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I have not yet started my post for this contest. I am thinking of writing everything that I can - including the interactions between the people, a story, dialogues.... But answering the following question is a difficult task. Undecided

we would ... be judged .... on how those 5 characters interact between themselves

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