WeChat with Anyone, Anywhere!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

Who's in the mood to get creative? Smile We've got a new contest up, with some drool-worthy prizes. Let us know if you have any questions!


I'm betting Ranjith has already created a thread on this contest by now. Laughing

Replies 81 to 100 of 192 Descending
Nishant Gandhi
Nishant Gandhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I'm totally with Murtaza on this one. Even my blog post for the Office 365 contest was blatantly 'lifted' by a guy with just a couple of sentences shuffled around and 1-2 paras added to give it some authenticity.

I'm surprised why doesn't IndiBlogger run entries through Copyscape or other such software? Also, what's with this publishing of entries before the deadline? Why can't they just keep receiving entries and publish them 24 hours after the contest is over. In any case, IndiVotes don't matter right?

Murtaza Ali
from New Delhi
10 years ago

@Nishant: IndiBlogger team should come up with proper anti-plagiarsim guidelines. I was reading one of the articles on the web wherein someone from the Indiblogger team was questioned about plagiarsim. His reply was the issues concerning plagiarsim are usually sorted out on the forums. But, I still feel that it's not good enough. After all, it's virtually impossible to keep a track of plagiarsim for an individual blogger. Indiblogger team on the other hand can do it easily using anti-plagiarsim softwares, etc. Also, one cannot fight over every second post... if we have proper guidelines in place, bloggers would be more aware (especially the ones who have been indulging in questionable practices).   

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Even my blog post for the Office 365 contest....

Did that other post win ? Was the other entry removed from the list of submissions? Mail the IndiTeam - they will sort it out.

I'm surprised why doesn't IndiBlogger run entries through Copyscape or other such software? 

I don't know if IB already does it or not but using it to check copied articles is not that easy a task.

Also, what's with this publishing of entries before the deadline? 

Displaying the entries before the end of the contest gives the sponsors more exposure. However, for the last few contests - WeChat and IndiChange, contest entries are being displayed only after the close of the contest. However, this doesn't not mean that one would not be able to access the entries. Google 'WeChat IndiBlogger' and a majority of the entries show up.

Ayushi Bhatia
Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
10 years ago

I hope you're all acquainted with my characters :)

I've published my entry guys. Stop by and have a look :)

Kamlesh Parikarath
Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
10 years ago

friends.. I haven't even started with the post :(  have been busy shifting places and all. One query, I'm still unclear of what they are looking for .. Do we have to choose 5 or more characters and just explain to them why we'd chat with them, and also what we will chat about? Or can we post an imaginary  illustration of a group chat with all those specific members included ? 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Keep thinking as to what we are supposed to write about and you will miss the contest. Sealed

Write whatever you want. Wink

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
10 years ago

dude, i'm not thinking if to start or not... i'm just having a doubt as to what exactly they are looking for .. 

from Mumbai
10 years ago

is it compulsory to have a group chat?  individual chatting  allowed?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

The contest page says

If you could connect with 5 or more people in a WeChat group

So, I think it is a group chat. 

But more than following the rules, creativity is what the judges look for most of the time ( not always ) ! Smile

Nishant Gandhi
Nishant Gandhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Of xourse the old one Shashank!

Nishant Gandhi
Nishant Gandhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Did that other post win ? Was the other entry removed from the list of submissions? Mail the IndiTeam - they will sort it out.

I'm not sure whether they have even declared winner for Office365 contest. That's why I asked it on the other thread. I haven't got any mail either that winners have been announced. 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Are you talking about the Office 365 contest with Nokia lumias as the prizes? If yes, the results have been declared. Check the 'Winners' tab on this page.

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Google 'WeChat IndiBlogger' and a majority of the entries show up.

@Ranjith: does it work if we revert our post to draft after submitting to the contest and publish again on the deadline date??? Hope that doesn't sound funnyUndecided

from hyderabad
10 years ago

It sounds funny and clever too. Smile

Yes, you can do it but make sure that the URL you submitted and the final URL of your blog post are the same and don't forget to publish it on the deadline date.

from Bangalore
10 years ago

i hope URL shouldn't change, unless there is no editing in the post title and the published date remains same... And how is that you copy the comment from previous conversation here in the forum... I just copied and pasted but it came in the same format...

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Copy the comment, select it and apply 'BlockQuote' formatting.

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Oh thanks, and congrats for the Appollo win...

from hyderabad
10 years ago


from Bangalore
10 years ago


Nishant Gandhi
Nishant Gandhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Are you talking about the Office 365 contest with Nokia lumias as the prizes? If yes, the results have been declared. Check the 'Winners' tab on this page.

Err, was there any other Office365 contest as well? Surprised I'm specifically talking bout the ‘My Dream Business with Office 365’ contest. There were no Office 365 subscriptions in it, only Lumias.

I guess IB parallely ran a #MeetOffice365 contest as well?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

The Office 365 subscriptions were extra prizes.

10 years ago

Hiii to all my Sisters and Brothers of Indiblogger...! I have Written my Blog Post with all my heart and Lots of Emotion...! Hoping that it would help in 'WeChat' Promotion Smile and that it would make me the winner of the contest...And Hey...Im sure my Blog would win all your hearts...Get Ready Wink

Best wishes dude

Akash KB
Akash KB
from Mumbai
10 years ago

@Shashank and @renie - The domain shocky.tk is not loading on Firefox as well as Crome. Showing HTTP ERROR 500, which is an internal server error, I mean, this error is not from client side.

But I think - The probable reason may be attempted (by client) "Multiple Redirection" from old to new web-address. That's why the browsers are unable to complete the request (loop of multiple server requests).

Conclusion: Although it's a server-side problem, it's created by the client. To solve this problem you have to contact your service provider. But their response is always delayed because .tk domains are FREE.

Akash (SEOHour).

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Decided to make the move to their paid servers because the low capacity free server kept going down. It took a while for worldwide DNS update to occur and that's why you were receiving the 500 Error.

Please try going to the url now... and let me know if you still have trouble accessing it.

Thank you.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Shashank, I'm able to access your website now. Smile

Akash KB
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi Shashank! You have a great website. I can access it now Smile

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Thanx guys...

The nightmare finally ends. Website back and healthy again. 

Madhu Bhardwaj
Madhu Bhardwaj
from NOIDA
10 years ago

 @Kakollusuresh, this sounds like self promotion to me. :)

10 years ago

self promotions cant make someone a winner of such contest na...! Tongue out

Khushboo Motihar
Khushboo Motihar
from Mumbai
10 years ago



I just posted my entry to the WeChat contest but it is not visible in My posts tab. Anybody facing a similar problem?

from New Delhi
10 years ago

It will only be visible on the 15th of June after 11:59pm.

It's not a problem.

Khushboo Motihar
Khushboo Motihar
from Mumbai
10 years ago

@Shashank Thank you! :)

from New Delhi
10 years ago

we need to give that youtube link only or wechat site link as well in the post?

Akash KB
from Mumbai
10 years ago

You have to give only one link, that is "WeChat's YouTube Channel."

Alka Gurha
Alka Gurha
from Gurgaon
10 years ago

@Ranjith, Renie

I was reading the discussions regarding pliagarism in this thread. I submitted my entry for the Colgate Moral of the Story contest on the 13th May. The  contest closed on 5th June. I notice that my idea has been copied by two bloggers.  I suggest that Indiblogger should give credence to the blogger who posted it first. I know, it is not easy to make out who copied whom, but there has to be a way. So for WeChat, I am waiting for the last moment to upload my post.


from hyderabad
10 years ago

Contact the IndiTeam using this link. Clearly mention who those other two bloggers are along with a link to their entries.

Posting such issues on the forum may not help much as Renie might miss these replies.

Sayantini Bhattacharya
from Chakdaha
10 years ago

I want to share my experience here with all of you. I wrote an article for the Apollo contest and after submitting it, I saw an almost same post submitted by another blogger. I was shocked how could this be possible? I never went through the submitted posts before that!!

Alka this type of thing happens. Thats why I submit my post at last moment. Then there isnt any risk of sabotagee.

But now they started early bird indi pattani prize scheme. GOD KNOWS whst strategy to comeup with now.

saw your post just to confirm it is not by any weird chance matching mine  relieved. By the way superb post and great fan following there. Congo's. 

Those are weird coincidences sayantini. They happen. But rarely.

10 years ago

Thank you Smile @ Rio De La Sciocco

Mention not sir g

from Mumbai
10 years ago

is usage of hindi allowed?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

As the page mentions nothing about language, you can write in Hindi also.

from Bangalore
10 years ago


Just posted mine and well, just saw another blog with an idea pretty similar to mine, though different in execution.  Since I posted mine just now only, there ain't no room for plaigarism.  Maybe, just maybe, there really is coincidence.

Or that, great minds truly think alike! :)

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Hope that the other person doesn't post a reply here saying that you have copied his/her idea ( and not the post ) Tongue out

This is the first contest where too many people are complaining about idea being copied. Innocent

Raj , weird, and god knows I haven't read anybodies entry yet. Hope mine doesn't show any similarities to anybody.  I know you are a great writer and cannot plagiarise. 

from Bengaluru
10 years ago

I went to your blog just to see your post out of concern Tongue out Nothing like mine, but a brilliant effort! How many days did you take to do that post?

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hahaha Ranjith.. damn, that's true.. wow, never thought about that angle.. but ya, it s possible cos she posted hers first :)

@Rio, thank u so very much for ur very kind words Pramodji.. long time, na? :).. btw, there's a saying "Good artists borrow, the great ones plaigarize", so trust me, I'm not great yet! :D

@ Rahul, thanks for going thru my post.. ya man.. it took me a week n a half to get the idea, to cook up the story, to get the dialogues and to finally put it all together.. a few long nights, a lotta daru n a very pissed wife - but kinda like the outcome of it all now  :)


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