The Reliance Digital Experience (Mumbai)

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

We have something new on IndiStuff - where you go to the stuff, instead of the stuff going to you. Laughing

Let us know if you have any questions!

Replies 61 to 80 of 288 Descending
from hyderabad
10 years ago

So many people are asking what was there in that goodie bag and still no one is responding. Frown

Sherna Jayaraman
Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

I just read a bloggers experience and i had a hard time believing the fact that:

She was given the IPOD directly.

Inditeam are you listening?aka reading? Why such a haywire process???

Please clarify

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago
Thats exactly what we were told too, but no ipod given .. And to all those who asked abt the goodie bag, i never got it and instead was promised that they will have the iPods sent to our postal address at Ghatkopar Reliance Digital.
from hyderabad
10 years ago

Won't don't they send those i pods to the forum heroes also ? SealedTongue outSmile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Won't -> Why

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Ya i agree forum heroes shud get sumthin :/

atleast a flipkart voucher!

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You are already getting an i pod and a goodie bag. Innocent

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

ipod, i may get. did yu read my post Smile ? if no then read and temme na hws it Smile !goodie bag, i doubt now Money mouthSealed

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Will read it now. Smile

Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
10 years ago

Why would 'Reliance' give a 'Flipkar' voucher :P

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Kept reading the post wondering why there were no photos at all and then saw the reason. 

Nice post. Smile

from hyderabad
10 years ago


I got used to Flipkart vouchers and now vouchers = flipkart and nothing else. Sealed

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

@RAJNI: then comment on post na Innocent

from hyderabad
10 years ago

First, stop calling me R**** and I will comment. Frown

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

chal na superman, kitna nautanki :(

kar de na comment if you find my post good !


yash shah
yash shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

So whats finally happening....

are we getting the goodie bag or not?

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Good question. It actually depends on the store you are choosing!

Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
10 years ago

Haven't gone through the reviews, but rules say every valid "entry" will earn the blogger an ipod shuffle, that suggests it would be post-Blogging. Now, for the case where someone has got it on the store, probably the store guys messed it u and later realised their mistake... 

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
10 years ago

Lots of confusion with this one, I see! Frown

Firstly, sorry about the goodie bags - Reliance did not expect so many bloggers to sign up! Me thinks they underestimated the IndiCommunity. Smile We'll make sure all of you who did not get goodie bags will get them delivered.

If an iPod was given at the store, that was indeed a mistake! @Snuffles - who was this blogger?

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Renie: i shall drop you an email today with the link to that blog post.

yash shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

just a word of suggestion..y dont the inditeam inform reliance about the no of bloggers well in advance...coz registration is closed...indiblogger team have the exact statistical data 

from New Delhi
10 years ago

When will the iPods be given? I have submited my post...And will the iPods be sent to our address or to be collected from the store again??  

from hyderabad
10 years ago

The i pod will [ most probably ] be sent to your address. 

If at all it needs to be collected from the store, they will inform you by mail.

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Had been to Ghatkopar outlet and was told that the goodie bags were unavailable and that they shall send it to our postal address.Yesterday, I got a call from them and the lady said that you are supposed to collect your 'iPad'..yes..'ipad'..I was dumb for a moment. I neither had received any goodiebag, nor wrote a blog post, neither got an how on earth was I eligible for iPad?I asked her to get it confirmed, and then a guy came on the phone and told that it was 'iPod' and that I need to come to their store again to claim it. I tried to clear the air and asked them, how was I eligible for ipod if I haven't wrote any post. He was lost and said 'ok Madam as you wish' and disconnected :-(Cant decide whether to laugh or to moan ;-)

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

reading all this i'm wondering how my experience will be when its my turn to go Innocent

from hyderabad
10 years ago

The Reliance people are getting confused. Tongue out

Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
10 years ago

update us when you receive your ipod

Tushar Kumar Singh
from Delhi,Mumbai
10 years ago

If I were you, I'd have immediately started the call recording app on my cell, would have drifted this conversation towards him divulging more details about me collecting the sacrosanct "iPad", and then would have eventually hung up, boarded something to the store and would've asked for my iPad starightaway. In case he refuted afterwards, I'd already have a testimony whose copy I'd have already mailed to a few wellwishers who could've taken it forward just in case it got a little more, Messy Laughing.  My goodness, he was actually ready to give away an iPad even without you having shared your experience. That's a classic example of that platitude "luck knocks at the door" Money mouth Money mouth

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Oh my god, the reliance management is NUTS!!Seriosly. Anyways do write a post and get your iPAD err IPOD :)

Prathamesh Amrutkar
Prathamesh Amrutkar
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Its becoming intresting day by day. I wonder what will be there for me at mu**** store?

yash shah
yash shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Who all are comin for tomorrow's visit at infinity....!!!

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Yash I m going 2row

yash shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

What tym/??

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

by 11.30 in morn guess later thr will be parking probs and rush

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

wht time r u going?

yash shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

i will reach by 11.00am...

i stay near by :P

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Lolz...I wish I was that techsmart ( to record the conversation) I was so dumbstruck when the lady said that I am supposed to visit the store to claim my free gift of iPAD...anyways not interested in this anymore...most of their staff even dont know about the indiblogger thing..they just keep forwarding contact numbers of some other staff person, to contact them for the update . Not worth it, I say! :-(

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Going to Malad today, hope I have a good experience with Reliance Store guyz.  

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Everyone is getting an ipod except me. :((

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

others didnt get the prizes u won, so all is fair Laughing

from hyderabad
10 years ago


Even I didn't get the prizes others won - kindle fire, kindle reader, dell laptop, cameras, hp ultrabook and many more Sealed

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

i thought u had won more than half the contestsSmile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I won 11 contests out of the 23 / 24 contests I participated but most of those were runner up prizes - t shirts , vouchers .... Undecided

from Jabalpur
10 years ago

@R: (1) almost 50 % strike rate, dude you are a prodigy.

(2) And about the statistics u maintain, I think ISI shall welcome you with a a red carpet.

NB: ISI= Indian statistical Institute 


from hyderabad
10 years ago

50 % strike rate

The secret is participating in every contest - some of the contests receive less number of entries - so higher probability of winning Tongue out

ISI shall welcome you with a a red carpet


WIth all your blessings, I hope that my success rate crosses 90% Smile

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I'll send you mine if i receive at the Kandivali store :)All bloggers should come together  and gift u something super duper for all your support!

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Those words are more than enough. Smile

from Raleigh
10 years ago
@ Ranjith - you made a point ;)
from hyderabad
10 years ago

you made a point

This one :

Everyone is getting an ipod except me. 

or this one?

Even I didn't get the prizes others won - kindle fire, kindle reader, dell laptop, cameras, hp ultrabook and many more



Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Just came back from Malad Store Awesome experienceSmile, store Manager and staff was courteous and our own Nihaal was there to welcome the bloggers. Spent like 1 and half hr at the store

Din get any goodie bag though!!

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Update: YEsterday my hubby, who is a tech indioblogger visited the Ghatkopar outlet with his friends and guess what? Not only was he taken to a shop tour, but was directly given the iPod (yeah, before blogging). At the end, when hubby told them how his wife (me) was disappointed with the way things went on Sunday, the manager told that it was a bad day for the staff and that he was into some kind of mess on that day and hence cudnt welcomed the bloggers. He even handed over an iPod for me too ;-)Thank you Indiblogger team! Now wondering what to write on my blog, since I didnt got any 'digital experience' but still enjoying an iPod :-D


Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

If an iPod was given at the store, that was indeed a mistake! @Snuffles - who was this blogger?


this was Renie's reply to snuffles above, i think u are supposed to collect goodie bag not ipod.

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

@nandini and the mistake is fromt he same store. History repeats itself :/

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I think that they have too many i pods - that's why they are giving them before blogging! Surprised

I went to the Andheri store on 8th and it seemed like I was the first one there with Indiblogger invite. They said I'll get my gift within a week and in excitement I totally forgot to collect my goodie bag :( Could they send me the bag as well when they send the ipod to my adress? How do I make sure this happens? Renie please reply.

yash shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

How did they contact you?


yash shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago they just told u at the store...that your gift wud be sent to u in a week...

did u get any responce frm demafter that?

from Mumbai
10 years ago

I had a horrid experience!! And I've written all about it. I may not get an IPod shuffle now after I've trashed the Reliance store so much! :P But for the torture they put me through, this is the only thing I could do!

I never did get any Goodie Bag and I was told it was out of stock. They expected me to give them some "ID Proof" so that they could process the order. The fact that I was holding the IndiBlogger Invite, spoke of my blog with so much clarity was not reason enough to believe. Anyhoo, I'm not gonna go back just to get a Goodie Bag! (P.S: I admit I was a little excited to see what was in the goodie bag & that was why I went so far in the first place. But I ain't going so far again just to get a goodie bag that apparently may not even exist!!)

from Mumbai
10 years ago
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
10 years ago

i must read your horrible experience...

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

omg, yu visited the same store which diligently gave others ipod along with a store tour...LOL reliance mgmt is seriosly nuts!!!I atleast managed to have a good time alone sans goodie bag!God bless you, all the best

Hemantkumar Jain
Hemantkumar Jain
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Visited the Infniti Malad store today. No goodie bag. No ipod. \

And now after reading the forum discussions ... seems like a lot of confusion !! 

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