Vibha Ravi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 35

Blog review request - Here is fresh plaster - plz pick up your pen n sign away

Vibha Ravi
Vibha Ravi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi there!

I am a relatively new member of IndiBlogger (even though I have been blogging for a year now). Seeing so many experienced people here makes me think that I can seek advise from folks who have been there, done that.

My blog is mainly focused on photography and travel. Occasionally random thoughts find a place.

I welcome your feedback on the good and the bad. Also, as a reader what would you like to see more of - more travel stories or more pictures. Any tips to make the blog stand out (not looking for SEO focused tips here) in terms of content/interest would be appreciated.

I don't have goodies to give away (might think of that if my blog starts making money :-)) but a lot of goodwill will definitely find its way to you. I promise to visit your blogs and if you wish, to help you out likewise.

So, here's to a mutually beneficial association,

Warm regards,

Vibha (


Edited 10 years ago
Reason: revised topic title
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hey Vibha,

I happened stumble upon your blog from the thread about reviewing other's blogs. I find your layout and content to be very professional in nature.

While it might be making it easy for readers to find things fast and is presentable, IMHO it makes it less personal. But your content seems quite casual and personal in nature( from the quick read through I had).  I liked the language used in some of your posts and the images are quite apt and thought provoking. I have always wanted to master this secret art of image selection :-)


Overall, I found your blog very interesting and hence I am adding you to my network too so I can catch updates soon. :-) Keep writing



Vibha Ravi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi Vivek,

Thanks a ton for your review. I do have that bit of 'structure everything' streak in me - years of habit, I guess. :-) As for the getting it right image wise, I takes hundreds of pictures actually and then, filter them to suit the tone of my writing/content in a post. Am so glad you added me to your network - doing the same so we can keep in touch.  

Just one more thing - do you think a reader would look for more factual content in the post itself like history, location, minute details of getting there etc. ? I am not including so much of that now because I feel it would make the post too long. Lemme know what you feel.

Arjun Singhal
Arjun Singhal
from New Delhi
8 years ago

fact is, you've placed it all well. it's rare to find people who even have thoughts around photography and who would spend their time actually putting it up on the internet to share. appreciate the part that non-commercial use is available free.