Nikhil Moyal would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Review me!

Nikhil Moyal
Nikhil Moyal
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

Hey you guys..

Review my blog and lemme know how it is.

Not an avid blogger but still would appreciate a few comments/feedback/reviews and ofcourse criticism as well.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

@ Nikhil :

I have been telling most people enhancements along the same lines.. I think this should hold good for you too..You have a lot of text on your site that is very useful but are people going to just start reading it completely ?

Your theme needs to be consistent : Meaning that for each blog post try to follow certain rules like

1) Font will be the same

2) At least one picture per post ( You definitely need this immediately.. too much text in there.. get a picture that will give the reader a pretty good idea on what you are going to say)

3) Try to pin up one blog post always on top that gives the reader a clear idea of what you write about. Your theme picture is a ferrari F1 car.. I immediately think that you write about F1 as a main topic and some personal stuff.. i would never understand your complete writing range

4) Along with the labels or tags.. create your own categories on what you write. For example Personal, Technology, Poems etc .. this will enable specific readers to read all posts under that category as opposed to just reading that one post under tag..

Let me know what you think..

Nikhil Moyal
Nikhil Moyal
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

Thanks you guys!!

Will definately keep all your points in mind the next time I blog.

Cheers :)