rajat chauhan would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://piczload.com/ ]

Its here in front of you, so review it loud.ThankYou.

rajat chauhan
rajat chauhan
from Ahmedabad
9 years ago

pics a la carte

watch-out loud & have picbliss

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Bengaluru
9 years ago

hi there,

here are my 2 cents on your blog.

first the great stuff:

- the idea is great! If i get this right, your blog is about "all things picturseque" and if this phrase truly captures the essense of your blog then maybe you can use this line as a tag line for PiczLoad :)

- the tab on top gives the visitor a lot of variety and a sign of an interesting blog. Try to separate the ME and the ABOUT tab from the rest

some suggestions:

- have you tried pinterest?? Check it out. It will a great plug-in to have on the blog and will help you get more traffic to your blog with social media widgets

- because your's is primarily a photo blog, try to keep the captions/titles as crisp as possible. If you need to say more, have a short description section. 

eg: for a long title, which is ideal for a desciption: Big circle of “Nati” at “Kharahan Thirshu”, on 21 April 2014 (8 Baisakh 2071). The dance style “Nati” knits all sections of society, in a circle, in which each one is on centre stage. ‘Nati ‘is being performed in front of the “Deos” sitting in the sacred shelter.

eg: a great title is "Happiness Is a Warm Sun" - it's sweet and intriguing. Stick to these:)

That's all from me. You got a great blog going there. Good luck.

Cheers - Kay

ps: have you travelled to all the places you mentioned in the blog? I live in SG, in case you visit this morden asian country!