Amit Ahuja would like you to review his/her blog.
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I am looking for suggestions on my new automobile blog by blogging experts.

Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
9 years ago

The cardowntown blog is based on auto reviews theme and contains reviews about cars in India. The reviews can be navigated with three types, brand wise, price wise or shape wise. Along with these reviews, one can also find updates and news about the auto industry in India.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
  • Design is good..
  • Website is fast, clean and load time is satisfactory !!
  • Didn't notice any ads, feels nice to browse on !!
  • Domain is wired, but ok..
  • Didn't like your review section, since you review without even testing the car your self..

Over all only the design is good as otherwise, poor reviews are let down, as without using and testing, I don't understand how can you authentically review something..