New Lufthansa Contest #MoreIndianThanYouThink
New contest, everybody!
Please feel free to post any questions you have about the contest here. Good luck and have fun participating!
Hi team , When are the Badges for this contest arriving ??
Congrats winners!The original contest announcement had a note that there are early bird prizes. I submited my entry before that time frame; should I wait for a voucher to arrive?
Hey is your name in the winner's list..I don't see one..
Thanks IndiBlogger Team & Lufthansa. Received Amazon gift voucher. Congrats winners .
Received the gift voucher. Thank you IB team and congratulations to all the winners :)
People who didn't participate should get vouchers, too because lesser the crowd better chances of winning! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
What an ingenius idea! :)
did u check ur spam?
Yes, Only the contest notification mail is there in my entire mailbox! :(
Congrats Sujata Tawde.
Congratulations Shahen for the much deserving victory.
Alas! couldn't win in any of the category. That was quite disappointing. Anyway will try my luck next time. Had gone through almost all the entries and most of these are worth reading. Congrats to all the winners.
Congrats to all the winners. Read few winning posts. Loved them. Keep blogging.
Have read Shoma's post too (a long time back) and this too has won a prize... again, a well written post. Congrats, Shoma! :)
Read the article that has got the first prize. Loved the way 'Indianness' has been woven into charming descriptions of a Parsi.
Congrats to the writer. :)
Well, I seriously doubt the ______________ of results this time! Not because I couldn't win but the 1st prize winner has only written 1 article this year i.e. the article for the contest and this definitely looks fishy and very discouraging for participating next time in Indi contests!
how does it matter if she writes 1 or 100 ?
Congratulations Khushboo, Sujata ma'am, Karthik & all others! :)
Thanks a lot Maitreni , for letting me know about the winning. Congratulations winners. Especially Khushboo . Shoma , Shaheen and other friends. Thanks Lufthansa & IndiBlogger community. Loved writing this post.
Thanks Maitreni
Had raised a small plagiarism ticket relating to this contest. can u kindly look into it . # : 20587
(I might be wrong but I hope IB judges can provide their opinion). Was raised on Apr 27th. Thanks
Results will be out tomorrow! :-)
When there are unwarranted delays like such, you cannot really expect much from the results.
eagerly waiting for the results.... may the best post win luftansa way... I have been to the flight it's really amazing.
I guess we'll all know when the sponsors are ready with the result.