Which is your BEST post

from Chennai
14 years ago

Hi all, I know Some of you are Blogging for years and some recently started blogging. I would just like to know which is your best post and reason for the same. When I say best post I mean 'the post which satisfied you much', 'the post which got most readers & most comments' etc . But if you have any other reason for considering a post the best, please share your thoughts so that all of us will get an idea of your BEST POST

Replies 21 to 40 of 43 Descending
Sonia Kathuria
Sonia Kathuria
from New Delhi
14 years ago

I recently wrote on "Take control of your life" and was well appreciated, i feel with this post my blog graduated to the next level.


Deepak Karamungikar
Deepak Karamungikar
from Hyderabad
14 years ago


I think my best post is 



from Chennai
14 years ago

Hello Deepak,

It was nice & worth reading. Keep it up



Dr Roshan R
Dr Roshan R
from Kannur
14 years ago

my blogs into its fifth year.. i write on personal opinions, short stories, life as a doctor.. too many articles that mean a lot to me.. I guess I'll submit this one .. its a romantic post. Hope u like it.


from Chennai
14 years ago

Hello Dr.Roshan, Great, I like it. Nice

Keep rocking doctor



Sonia Kathuria
Sonia Kathuria
from New Delhi
14 years ago

Hi thanks A. Shanmuharajan for teh feedback.

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Pravin Nair
Pravin Nair
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hi Shanmuharajan,

nice thread here..keep it up!

My favourite posts would be:



also, liked ur blog shanmuharaj!have added you to my network.


from Chennai
14 years ago

Hi Pravin,

No Doubt google is the GOD of internet. Keep blogging


Vikram Koppikar
Vikram Koppikar
from Mumbai
14 years ago



I did a spoof on the My Name is Khan controversy, by providing alternate options to SRK, so as not to oppose any political party, take a look...



from Chennai
14 years ago

Hello Vikram,

"My Name is Thackeray" is simply Great idea ! Keep Bloggin


from Chennai
14 years ago

Hi Indibloggers, List your best Post - the post you like most, the post which got most replies, the post which got some awards. You will get attention of other Bloggers and their comments about the posts.

Dont wait.

List you best post !

All the best


from Bangalore
14 years ago

Considering I am a travel blogger, all my posts reflect my experiences..so better the adventure, better the post.. following these lines..my best post will have to be my monsoon expedition to the much renowned Kumara Parvatha in Western Ghats. Incidentally this is also one of my most commented posts. Laughing

Leeches, rains, flowers, clouds, mountains and me  - http://ponderingmusings.blogspot.com/2009/08/mission-kumara-parvatha.html

And once for a change, instead of a travel post I felt like sharing my life story with my readers. It is about how much i changed and how my priorities changed over the years. I like it most because that post describes what i was by 2009 end. Will be great fun to read the same in 2012 and see how much more i changed.. Wink

How my Life Changed for Good - http://ponderingmusings.blogspot.com/2010/02/how-my-life-has-changed-for-good.html


from Chennai
14 years ago

Hello Neelima

Nice and interesting Post. The pink flower photograph is really interesting one http://edotsindia.blogspot.com/

Deepak Karamungikar
Deepak Karamungikar
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Hi Shanmuharajan,

I think I need to share this post as well with you...I loved this one too!



- Deepak Karamungikar

from Chennai
14 years ago

hello Deepak,

Good one and i like the narration !


from Chennai
13 years ago

Any other Best posts??

My personal favourite (and the best too, I think) is the most unread post on my blog.

But somehow it said more than all the others posts in my blog combined. It's a short story that came to me I dunno how.



from Chennai
13 years ago

Nice and cute story Guria - Shanmuharajan http://edotsindia.blogspot.com/

from Mumbai
13 years ago
from Chennai
13 years ago

The Seagulls pictures along the "River Ganga in Varanasi"  is picturesque !"The best time to take the boat ride is at dawn when the temples at the river front are bathed in a lovely hue of orange and the ghats are just beginning to bustle with various activities and rituals."  - expected some lovely orange pictures but found nothing :)

When are you planning to visit down south ?


from Mumbai
13 years ago

the next line...

"However, that day the sun was in no mood to peek out from behind the dense cloud cover. The prevailing foggy and hazy conditions (we had visited in January), nevertheless, were just adding to the entire mystical aura associated with Varanasi."

so I missed it..cant change nature!!

Keshav Saini
Keshav Saini
from Delhi
13 years ago

The best post i have written so far will be

A Plan to change India - For One India

inspite of the fact that this post has never got that much of webtraffic and no comment at all. But it is still my best post ever because I have written it deep from my heart...

from Chennai
13 years ago

good and thought provoking post ! http://edotsindia.blogspot.com/

from Chennai
13 years ago

Below is the link to the best post in my blog because that was the first time I listened to my heart and shared it on blog.


However, I like another post titled After Storm


with this being my first short story.




from Chennai
13 years ago

yes 'You have a LIFE' ... No doubt you are a hard worker. Iam sure that people who are ready to work in the night shift are real hard workers. No doubt you have a LIFE Foot in mouth


Vijay Bankar
Vijay Bankar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Here is my best blog post a visit to the BEST bus museum in Mumbai

The BEST Museum, ever!

from Chennai
13 years ago

Good to see lot of 'Best posts'. Expecting more and more !


from Chennai
13 years ago

Any new and interesting article?

from Minneapolis
13 years ago

my best post will be http://psychesvisage.blogspot.com/2010/07/wish.html

I wrote this post for a competition very recently. The topic was "Wish", and I built this idea gradually over one week. 



Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

My most favorite post is Stereotypes found in any typical class (http://aashishsood.blogspot.com/2010/04/stereotypes-class.html). My favorite because I can connect to it on a whole lot of levels and I am sure that once you go through it, you also may recognise some (or all) of the stereotypes!


Another of my favorite posts was a Photo contest (http://aashishsood.blogspot.com/2010/05/travel-photos.html). I like it because, to me, each photo has a deeper meaning and overall present a hilarious bunch.

Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

My most favorite post is Stereotypes found in any typical class (http://aashishsood.blogspot.com/2010/04/stereotypes-class.html). My favorite because I can connect to it on a whole lot of levels and I am sure that once you go through it, you also may recognise some (or all) of the stereotypes!


Another of my favorite posts was a Photo contest (http://aashishsood.blogspot.com/2010/05/travel-photos.html). I like it because, to me, each photo has a deeper meaning and overall present a hilarious bunch.

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