IPL be evironment friendly- stop the fireworks

from Bangalore
14 years ago

IPL has become an icon of Indian entertainment, and anything done or not done, reaches to the mass very easily. I feel, it will be a great message sent if the IPL organisers stop the fireworks after each and every match. In circumstances where climate changes are becoming a great concern, an action from IPL organisers will send out the right message to the youth and all.


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Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

IPL is nothing but a entertainment with business.

For Players its passion to play cricket & along with money. For team owners, board publicity, fame & money. For general public its an alternative form of entertainment but interestingly, public seems to be patriotic to the place where they have the roots....Smile and watch the cricket match.

For example, will the public watch the match if the place name is removed from their team name, what if 'Chennai Super kings', is called just 'Super king' will the public be still interested?

I would say, its a best business venture in the sports arena for years.

I did write about T20 in my blog last year...


from Bangalore
14 years ago

I know... but given the current situation, i guess that hardly makes any sense any more... forget about the subtle responsibilities, it may turn out the darkest days of indian cricket/ entertainment... i wish they come out clean!


Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
14 years ago

Tanmoy, you are absolutely right. Influential people, and organizations often forget that there is an element of responsibility to the society they need to show.

They however, prefer to be ignorant.

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