Help needed in adding the regular blogs I follow on to my network

Annapurna Hiremath
Annapurna Hiremath
from Hyderabad
14 years ago


I find it difficult to navigate to other bloggers link every time I wish to read them. Can someone help me, How I can add these links to my network where it is easy to follow the links


Annapurna Hiremath Aka Ahses_of_roses

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

You could also use rss feed daemon to keep a track of the feeds of blogs you like.

Build Muscle and Burn Fat

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hi Annapurna, here is an easy solution to track all your favorite bloggers - ReadAir – Google Reader Desktop App

Other alternate way is to use blogroll feature on your blog.

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