Do you vote for Indivine posts without reading it?

from Thiruvananthapuram
14 years ago

Indivine has been a superb addition to Indiblogger. It has really helped readers in chosing quality content without actually doing blog hopping and we get introduced to new bloggers too.

I normally reads certain posts based on the votes they got. Sometimes it has left me disappointed too, because the post might not have enough stuff in it to get this high vote.

Are people voting for posts without actually reading the post?

I am posting this under Blogging ethics, since I think a true blogger should not vote for a  post unless he has read the post.

Replies 61 to 80 of 84 Descending
Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
13 years ago

a great topic of discusion..keep it up..

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

hahaha... the count goes on..

I got 4 votes for this dummy post :))


from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

now it is 5 votes..

i am sure they will go up..guys if u also have same people as voters of ur u can safely discount the number :)

Sourav C. Pandey
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Yes! I really liked that posts' idea! Wink Tongue out

I am even thinking of sharing it on my Facebook/twitter page! Money mouth

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago


so number of votes..really dont make any sense..

I feel along with the votes, they should also display how many hits happened to the link..atleast to some extent it makes sense

from Bangalore
13 years ago

is that a co-incidence that the article is ending with 420 in its url? :D

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago I've given up..

I got 9 votes for a junk post..

really hatsoff to the kind souls..

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago


arey even this thread has url ending with 420...

Innocentis something wrong with me only?

Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
13 years ago

I promoted this post because I wanted to see if the thing Renie mentioned below was working (saw later that it wasn't implemented yet) 

Anyway, this just proves that people don't read posts before voting. :( 

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

Sakhi ..hehe yes..was wondering y u also voted..ok so that was for testing ok

Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
13 years ago

Haha ... thought I should clarify before my rep went down the drain. 

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
13 years ago

We've managed to disable voting unless the post has been visited - doing some testing in Internet Explorer right now and it'll go live as soon as we're done!

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Awesome Renie... this is a great move for sure!

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

Hey it possible to mention the hits that tells how many out of how many liked the post..some credibility on the number of votes also

Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
13 years ago

I like unknown's idea...

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
13 years ago

It's gone live, hope this makes a difference! Smile

hey how to activiate it on my blog ..........or my profile.............i saw it....but it doesn't show on all of the profiles............

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
13 years ago

hey Renie , great thing u did wid te promoting thing ! cheers to u !

from Chennai, Manama
13 years ago

Excellent change Renie - well done again. Is it possible to incorporate the vote button from the post itself so that it can lead back to Indiblogger - you get some link love from your bloggers as well!

from Riyadh
13 years ago

I just saw the change... where in you've got to view the pot before voting and this is a FAB new change, that was much needed. I havent followed the comments here, but I just wanted to say, thanx for bringing in this option to bring to surface genuine readers and appreciaters Smile

I did though have a bit of a problem voting... I had to click on view to promote button... then after reading when I went back it still wouldnt let me vote, said the same thing - view post to promote... then on revisiting post and closing, I clicked it again and it took me to the posters indiblogger link and THERE i could click on it. A wee complicated if ure running short on time, but im hoping thats just a glitch while this is relatively new and perhaps in its testing phase...

G'luck with having this ingrained and running smoothly :)

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

Most disappointing my junk post got highest number of votes than the other geniune posts..which means all I votes I got till now were from fraudy voters Surprised


Akash Kumar
Akash Kumar
from Jaipur
13 years ago

I was happy to see my submission in Indivine getting votes. But when I checked the stats, I was disappointed by seeing the otherwise. Normally even if I don't read a full post before reading I vote only if I like it prima facie...

from Mangalore
13 years ago

I am write now in 3rd place in the my demand contest. I am only two weeks old on Indiblogger so since I dont know many people, I requested, advertised and even spammed if some may say so, to finally get the votes i deserve...

it wont be fair to comment on my own post... but there are certain posts far below me who are so good that they need to be 1st or 2nd. as a newcomer, im disappointed with the system thats here on indiblogger... i know the team is doing their best to bring in more credibility.

i was so delighted that so many people actually made comments on fb, twitter, my blog and even on indiblogger saying "Im not voting because u requested me... im voting because ur post is damn good" thanks to all of them...

here's my post... and vote for it if you like it :-)


from Faridabad
13 years ago

You dont let go of any opportunity to ask for votes.. do you? :) Amazingly, you ended up using even this thread for your votebank.

I respect your honesty, between. But if you ask me, I think you have overdone it big time.. I see you leaving your 'mark' just everywhere (including BAT posts).

Umesh Mallya
Umesh Mallya
from Bangalore
13 years ago

In my opinion, We should also be able to vote down if you don't like any post.

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

see i think a better thing is..have total views..n number of likes..lets be positive..cos vote down is not a good thing to have

from New Delhi
13 years ago

Honestly speaking this looks as if we all are back on Hi5. You start randomly distrabuting 5s and commenting on profiles just with the hope of getting lucky!

Vaishali Adwant
Vaishali Adwant
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I think the easiest way to check genuine count is to have an option that will be enabled to vote only after commenting on the post.If askimnet is enabled on your blog,it'll keep spammers at bay.

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Now that was a nice thing and the proof that it has gone live is that, there hasn't been many votes for my new indivine post!Laughing

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

I am not able to vote after visiting the blogs, how do i vote now?!

from Mangalore
13 years ago

@Kshitij... thanks a lot... so do vote :P lol... and thank you for appreciating my honesty...

Also, congrats to the IndiTeam for adding the 'view and promote' feature... now only the good reads will be voted for... hopefully...

from Faridabad
13 years ago

If ever you see my vote against your post that you have spammed 1000s of blogs for, please think my ID got hacked or something. ;P

Sourav C. Pandey
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Ek printer insaan ko blogger se spammer bana deta hai! Money mouthTongue out


LOL @ Kshitij's comment! Ohh yes I am participating (and winning Cool) too,  though spamming bloggers' blog and twitter is something I never did and neither have I the patience and time for!

Akash Kumar
from Jaipur
13 years ago

@Mario, I felt that you are forcing yourself on us to vote for you. Don't u think it is Ok if you don't be first in the list. I voted for ur blog, but I didn't like the way u r promoting it. In plain language you are spamming everywhere, on Indimail, on comments, on forums etc. Is it OK......??? I think NO....Some sort of decency will be fine...Honest suggestion.

from Thiruvananthapuram
13 years ago

Good job Renie and team, the new feature of viewing the post before voting is good.

Even though still many would do "promotion voting", it might atleast give a chance for the visitor to just take a look at the content before voting and the blogger inturn might be happy that someone visited his post.

As always Indiblogger rocks !!! Cool

Still I would prefer the blog to open in a new window with an indiblogger frame on top, which contains a button to promote the post.

Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Absolutely an issue. Sometimes, it is the case that how well can you market you post among co-indibloggers. Have to find a fix.


from Mumbai
13 years ago

Looks like Indiblogger has added a new feature that before you promote a post, you need to first read it (or at least have to click on the link).

from India
13 years ago

What's the point of voting without reading the post ?Yell....reminds me of thumb impressions on blank pieces of paper except here it is not forcedMoney mouth....I  try to comment whenever possible on the said article I vote for...besides I pick random pages with interesting titles and topics I relate too...Cool

from Kerala
13 years ago

Guess I am late to the discussion anyway the concern raised here is very genuine. Voting without reading the post might be dangerous precedent and hope the matter is sorted out by now.

Though i have a different problem, I received well deserved comments from the fellow indiblogger but seems i was unworthy to get votes Frown 

Avoid blind commenting...




from Minneapolis
13 years ago

As some one suggested earlier, showing only the number of votes but not the people who voted would help better. If we show the names of the voters, people are voting without reading so that others would reciprocate back. But if we don't do that, then there is no scope for this to happen

from bangalore
13 years ago

though there is an extra step to vote for a post, one would just have to click on the 'view post to promote' button and irrespective of whether he/she likes it, vote for it. I consider this process of blind promoting as worse as spamming.

I enrolled on IndiBlogger to get genuine readers and to build a community of like minded individuals who do appreciate/give feedback to my work. I don't see that happening as yet, as all I see is this mad rush for votes at Indivine and blatant self promotion in the forum.


from bangalore
13 years ago

1 more thumbs up for Roshan.

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

I am one day old on IndiBlogger. I've left a comment or voted on a poll at every blog I've visited through IndiBlogger in these past 30 hours. I've noticed a few people voting on my posts on the Vine without visiting my blog and a few others have visited and one left a comment. I'd like to see anonymous voting to discourage superficial promotional behaviour. I joined IndiBlogger in anticipation of quality readership. I hope that is still possible.

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