My post copied by a 'senior' indiblogger
On 2nd May 2010, I had published a post on what to do if your feed is not detected by browsers:
Soon after, I also discussed the post on the forum here:
Now the other day, while going through this thread:
I was shocked to find that an indiblogger of 'considerable repute' had copied my post without credit.
I have started this thread basically for 2 things:
1. To request the concerned blogger to delete the copied post.
2. To throw open a couple of questions:
- Is it okay for IndiBlogger to allow such dubious members to take part in its policy-making discussions?
- Isn't it an appropriate case for IndiBlogger to exercise its power of banning such members?
What's your take on this? Throw in your candid opinions.
Reason: minor edit
Gouri, I do apologize for the late response to this. I've corrected the links on the forum, and added a link to that post on our FAQ's under IndiRank. That's a PR4 page, so hopefully it should restore the balance a bit. When the new IndiRank pages are up, I'll make sure it's included there as well. I had no idea I was pointing to a duplicate post earlier - I've updated our internal bookmarks as well so that support related questions will be answered with the correct link.
By the way, any chance of updating that post for Firefox 4? FF4 doesn't show the Feed icons anymore!
ha! was looking for that Feed icon on Firefox 4!! now i know its not only an issue with me..
Thanks Renie, much appreciated. I will try to update the post for ff4.
hmm thanks for the imputs :)
@arti -I hope many does'nt know abt print screen except some tech related bloggers unless the secret is out....even though they print screen ,they have to spend time writing them which most plp wont do...let me see the progress of my blog after this and if as you said my blog is been shyed away ,let me think about it later..thanks for your viewpoint arti :D
@gouri @pundit -I mailed the Wordpress since I found it to be a wordpress blog and they replied me back saying that it is not a blog but a website using .org codes and so they are unable to help.So I commented as well as mailed him personally using whois but he did not reply and continued to use my posts after a week or so to after my mails and comments...:(
Yes,I understand that they have put as it is from my blog even with the links but my worry is that if it is one or two post means ,I dont bother about it but taking away nearly 10 posts and more without my consent and also not replying to my mails made me worry.Havent tried the GOOGLE yet and will do it after seeing his moves ...I feel sick when I want to complain abt something or someone ,I hate doing it but have no option left ..since it was my last move after waiting 4 a month mailing and commenting him.
Thanks for your support !:)
Uma, the site you are referring to looks like an aggregator. It also looks like it's also providing credit to the author. However, if that's not done without your consent, you can complain to the webhost of the site to take it off their servers and/or report it to Google here:
And don't forget to take proper backup before you initiate any action.
Yes. Please don't forget to take screenshots before you contact them.
@pundit ...the facts about the blogger is unknown yet i have his details I collected
WHOIS information for : [Querying][]Domain Name:BESTBOOKREVIEW.US
Domain ID: D25643094-US
Sponsoring Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
Registrant Email: -> I mailed him here yet the posts are still there and there are no responses from him.
One thing I have learned from this plaigirism is that I inserted some codes that I got from googling and protected my blogs (hope so) by disabling selections and right-clicks
Let me see what happens from this particular person( hopefully few issues are getting sorted out too in indiblogger
Good moves Uma. I've heard it said that readers find it annoying if you disable right click but I can't imagine why?
Uma: Plaigirism is a serious matter. Is this person on the Indiblogger community? Is this person using Google's Blogger to host his site? If yes, there are steps you can take with the help of indiblogger and google's blogspot. Gouri can give you more tips.
I own a blog mainly writing poems .Recently when I googled my name ,I found out a particular site which used most of poetry without noticing me. IT WAS A PAIN FOR ME.(This is only one link...he has nearly 10 of my poems in his site with every content and link just like that ).
I Comment him to remove the reply.I found out him using and mailed him...again yet no seeing this thread..I am not the only one who is been targeted..Hope I get a good response from him
secret of my energy.
A what?
As i read through this thread, I came across some suggesting that IndiBlogger / Admins do something to protect this kind of palg. However, this is a humane phenomenon and no one can do anything about it. Its ethics.
@Mohan did the right thing by coming clean. This brings in much confidence that a dialouge always helps.
There was another post where a blog was completely copied, not just a post, by a fellow IndiBlogger. I would like to say that we (IndiPolice or the IndiBlogger team) can certainly coordinate with and engage the accused in a discussion but nothing more.
756137what is the meaning of code.......756137?
Hemal, I didn't get the logic behind plagiarism being a 'humane' phenomenon. A poor guy hungry for days and being compelled to steal something to eat may be considered 'humane', if that's the word, but from what angle do you consider plagiarism as 'humane'?
@Gouri its a tendency. i used the word humane here for the very reason why we use it. its the greed to get noticed in the blogging world, publish aritcles laded with advertisments that earn money, and think of anything that you can associate. Its not right, not right from everyone else's prespective, but for the culprit it sure aint.
And other reason why I mentioned is that we cant stop people from stealing our content and publishing, we can only make them remove it or ask them to give you the due credit. My Post on Tata Nano being used as a base for Ferrari and Fiat for their own cars was a April Fool spoof but it made in roads to numerous websites just in a flash, the Images I created were seen just about every where and even on websites like I contacted each and every website that published my pictures, including a Danish forum and asked them to give me the due credit.
@Mohini sorry it was by mistake as @arti rightly guessed
@Gouri just happened to read a labnol article... sure you will have some help.
@hemal: Incorrect usage of vocabulary. The word you are looking for is "human" not "humane".
I agree with IQ! My mind is still........showering me so many things..........! we can find something like BQ .....Blogging Q!
A lil kid like me is also learning...............!!!
That's the right way to go, Mohan, since most of the sample I picked up from the blog was copied from other sources. As a matter of policy, it's always better to check the submitted content for plagiarism using various tools like the paid version of copyscape or the free version of plagium. Also, when plagiarism is detected with something already published, it's good to remove it right away.
@ Mohan
in reply to:
Sujith - Since I am not sure of which other posts have such copied content, I decided to bring it all down instead of keeping them alive.
@Mohan..Yes it happens.Thanks for your clarification. A good lesson for every bloggers who accept guest articles (including me)
No, the domain is not dropped, only registrar is changed - from FastDomain to GoDaddy..
Sujith - Since I am not sure of which other posts have such copied content, I decided to bring it all down instead of keeping them alive.
Gouri - I registed the domain only with GoDaddy, never with FastDomain. FastDomain stuff must be the past of that domain before coming to me.
Yeah so thats sorted out nicely!
Okies... Now Please stop this ongoing malicious fight !!
I think the topic is over now..
@Admin: Build some tuff measures for that
@Gouri: hi dude.. hope u will not take this seriously!! (It was just a mistake)
@Mohan: thanx for ur bold n honest acceptance .. (u r a role model for us)
Deepu bhai, so late? Anyways, thanks for coming all the way from Lucknow :)
Yeah dude.. was little bit bzy somewher!!
had to come for u dude.. so everything seems perfect?? :)
Hi Gouri,
I think you are referring this thread to me. Let me first say "I Apologize".
Now to details : I registered domain and kept it open for collaborative group blogging. Few fellow bloggers did contribute on that site. I got to know about such dubious articles getting on that blog by few contributors for link building a bit late and completely revoked all guest contribution access. For the same reason if you have noticed, this blog had no fresh content for more than 10 months.
I own the responsibility for not checking for originality and simply approving the submission. Please accept my apologies.
@ Mohan, this is the reason why i was against collaborative blogging or guest blogging or partnership. One has to be careful otherwise an innocent lands in the docks. It is good that you have accepted the mistake and apologised too. This is a hallmark of an ethical blogger. I hope Gauri now the chapter is closed. It is a good lesson for all of us seeking marriage of blogs Lolz
Hi Mohan,
First off, I appreciate your putting forward your side in a straightforward way. I went through each of the lines you wrote for hours on end. In the process, many questions came to my mind and to many of them, I found the answers myself. But the following few things are still dodging my intelligence.. whatever I have, can't help on that :):
- You read my post and commented on it on May 2nd. On May 16th, hardly within 2 weeks, the same post was submitted on your blog, approved and published. Had you appointed somebody else to perform the admin task or the post escaped your scrunity?
- Below the post on your blog, I could see some comments, apparently answered by you. Again, was it somebody else you appointed? or was it you replying even without knowing what the post contained?
- If this post was submitted for link building, was it submitted by somebody who was really naive at link building? because the post did not contain any link to the submitter's site. No, author name, no bio, nothing, directly published from admin ID. Or did the contributor get any financial compensation?
- Email ID is an essential requirement for creating a contributor/author account in WordPress. So, you must be having the email ID of the culprit. Can you help me nab that ******* by providing his email ID, at least?
Hope you don't take it in the wrong spirit. But I really need to bring the culprit to justice. It's in my interest, your interest, and the interest of the whole blogging fraternity to do so.
Here's the screenshot for your ready reference:
There are a couple of things. First - When I revoked the access to the guest contributors, their posts were attributed to admin, which was myself. That is the reason why you see my name there. Second - I had provided a specific slot towards the bottom of the article just before comments with 'About Author' which was giving a brief bio of the contributor along a link to their blog. A number of fellow bloggers had requested to share the code to insert such an option in their blogs too. Since I revoked it all long back, I can't deny what you have mentioned is incorrect.
Thanks, Mohan. Really a bad experience for both of us. Am glad you took things in the right spirit. Apologies if I hurt you in any manner.
Gauri it is sad that A known Indiblogger has copied your post without giving due credit or acknowledgement or sought your permission. I believe such a blogger needs to be censured for plagarism. Pl inform the Indiblogger regarding the identity of the person who has copied your post and let them act.....kudos for the expose
It's not just the question of being hard on me, you or somebody else. If this trend goes undeterred, the whole blogging profession is at stake!
Apart from copyscape, I started doing additional checks for my posts using plagium, after this episode..
This is sad.
Dear Indiblogger if you're reading this please remove the post immediately or get in touch with Gouri. We don't want things like this to happen in Indiblogger at least.
Thanks Xeno for your support, but there doesn't seem to be any official confirmation coming in!