Support for Dove Real Beauty Contest

from hyderabad
13 years ago

A new contest on IndiBlogger: What does real beauty mean to you

How many people do you think will be participating in this? The turnout for the previous Contest 'Crusade against chlorine' was low. Was it beacuse of the lower value of the prizes compared to teh previous contests?

In this contest, why are the facebook likes taken into consideration rather than IndiVine haerts? Any idea?

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: title change
21-40 41-52
Replies 1 to 20 of 52 Ascending
from hyderabad
12 years ago

Congragulations to all the winners. There was high evidence in the results to prove that votes do not matter. Hope to see more and more wonderful contests.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Plus 1 Ranjith.
from Delhi
12 years ago

Congratulations to all the winners. Well deserved. Read all of them. Cool Awesome stuff. Cheers!

Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

Hey Winners! Congratulations! :)

I went through only a few of the Winning got a bunch of the recommended ones...Winners m coming to your posts Cool

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Congrats to all the winners, it was fun participating and reading the creative entries of all :):)
Manjulika Pramod
from Delhi
12 years ago

I concur with u Arti...Its been a great event.

Congratulations to all winners...

yo, all beauties to be congratulated, but what happened to men,evey man ( excluding sauvik) goofed up.

we should reward sauvik for being lone  representer among the whole lot

thumbs up sauvik

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Hehe nice observation Pramodji! :-D
Ahimaaz Rajesh
from India
12 years ago

Boys/men need, perhaps, look forward to 'Real Handsome' contest to score more wins

from Kolkata
12 years ago

@Pramod ji: LoL... Yea, i guess so, however i am not the last man standing, Restless soldier is too the odd man out... Seriously I too was wondering the same thing... how in the world... i fall into the little pool of indi-beauties :-)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
@ Sauvik :-D Lol
Poorvi Shrivastav
Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Yes it was quite a lot of fun. However for me it turned out to be more that that. We were looking for some NGOs in France and Germany to coordinate our efforts, and the wait was going on from a long time. Through the article(God knows from where .. and how Smile) one of the NGOs contacted us and we are now taking some coordination steps with them. Its a great feeling.. Thanks so much Indiblogger..

Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
12 years ago

Woww..thats an awesome news!! :) :) Congrats Poorvi!! :D

Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Thanks Smile

from Delhi
12 years ago

It was wonderful to read some absolutely beautiful thoughts . Contests are like writing challenge and lots of fun too. Results are awaited. May the best one win. Cool

Kimi Shrivastava
Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
12 years ago

A message for all the people who are trying to hoard Facebook likes on their indivane entry even after the contest got closed on 6th june, their voted will not be counted. According to the mail I received from Indiblogger team about the query., they said that all the counting was done on 6th of June, the day the contest got closed and any hoarding will make no difference now!! :)


Here is the mail:

Hey Kimi,Sorry for not replying earlier - was traveling for a team member's engagement.Not to worry - FB likes were counted at the time the contest closed. Any hoarding now will not count. :-)Keep blogging,Renie Ravin

Kimi Shrivastava
from Jhinkpani
12 years ago


Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I love the contests on Indibloggers because it usually motivates me to write on topics which would not naturally come into my mind. Have been off blogging due to family issues, exams etc and so had to miss lot of previous contests. I usually rely on my life experience to write blogs and therefore I can submit just one blog for any contest. I have read some of the posts and have really liked most of them a lot. Wonderful job done by even some so far unknown bloggers to me. Best of luck to the best written entry.......

thanks farida ji, though only some are lucky to win, but the charm of participating is marvellous. it motivates to bring out the best in you. 

best wishes to all.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Yes Pramodji it definitely motivates to give your best... All the Best :)
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Submitted my Entry...

All the Best to all, May the best One WIN Smile

congo dude, i am  thinking of a third go at real beauty. 

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Pramodji, you will have to be quick this time... Tomorrow last day, I think.
Ohh no, I was taking easy, I have to buck up ma dimaag,
I just wanna be at par wid raj bro
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Maybe some old story from your school days or something that really stuck you when you were small :):)

thanks arti ji, vo ideas to bhuna chuke, this time it has to be something thoda hat ke, dar yeh hai jiyada hat gaya to out of topic naa ho jaaye,

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

Submitting multiple entries really takes a lot..I submitted two..Wanted to do the third one..But I don't think it's gonna be there..Seriously kudos to people who have submitted multiple entries!

@Pramod ji - If you're thinking about the third one and are so determined about it..Hats off to you Smile

right bro, all brain has dried out wid 2 entries, now dipped it in some spirits to brim it up with some new ideas, lets see if it is born fully  on time

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

All the best with that! Hope you succeed bhai! :)

Thanks Amar for nice wishes.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Pramodji, I have got the last date postponed to Monday 9 pm so that you can submit one more :-P :-P All the Best :):)

thanks arti ji, thats gr8. I have written 5 lines then after forethought cut them. now again I have to begin from scratch. lets hope for the best

submitted third one atlast. thanks to all wellwishers. it was a real tough task.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

thanks Arti ji, 

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hi Pramodji, its easy 2 be at par easy tht even I am at par raj


Hope everybody's well here.. me travellin this week n next whole week..sadly, difficult to get a net connection here..missin IB


from Bangalore
13 years ago

Contrary to the popular opinion tht I'm jobless n that I write, speak n ramble on the same point over and over again, lemme assure u - u may b right. I think my boss hs the same opinion about me too :)

Ouch, judgin by the reaction here, I may hv to plead guilty to having submitted three posts on this topic here. But I 'd like to think that all the three posts were different as chalk, cheese n... (dam, whts the third word here? :))

I think that if u luk at my three posts, it all revolves around one central theme but the treatment fr each is different.

  • Most Beautiful is bout a very close family friend who actually does all tht stuff I've written bout (I hd to change the name cos she didnt want her name der :))
  • The second post is on the same premise except the treatment ws on humor (ya I know, most of my attempts at humour end up only as attempts with unfortunately no humor in 'em :( ) :)
  • Third post is just a few gender differences on the perception of beauty (am sure there r a hundred of 'em :))

Totally different takes but on the same premise, u may agree.

So Anu, Amar, Anukriti and Arti, may I gently suggest to u guys (btw, liked ur posts ..superliked Anukriti's:)) tht if u do take the time n check out these three posts, I think(n hope :)) u'll realize that all the three posts r as different as chalk, cheese n... (dam, whts the third word here? :))

And thank u Pramodji for ur kind words n respect towards u only grows with each passing day :)

hope this clarifies :)

happy blogging



Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hi Raj and everyone. Dove and yahoo want to read as many blogs as humanly possible to read ! So Raj, that you're writing more posts only shows more enthusiasm, which is good ! Let it not be a deterrent in writing more too ! End of the day , whether one writes on different perspectives is purely a decision of the blogger and something neither indiblogger or yahoo / dove want to stop or discourage ! All the best !
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

Hey..Buddy..I don't know what's giving you an idea that you've to plead guilty here! Personally I feel that if you were able to pen down three posts on the same lines but written in a different manner ( btw i read all your posts..They are amazing..Have commented on them too i guess), you've done a brialliant job! Because I wouldn't be able to do that! So cheers to you man..:)..What I was trying to say was a opinion, may be because I felt I couldn't do it..:-|..

But in all I really feel you've done a great and beautiful job here! So kudos for that :)..And all the best for the contest! :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey! Read my 2nd reply! have already given my vote for multiple posts! Dishing out 3 posts on the same topic, each unique and different from each other, is definitely not an easy task,... Hats off to you for your creativity mate seriously! I just gave my opinion and it was in no way directed towards you or anyone else here :) I am off to read your posts nowSmile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
By the way how about chalk cheese and the good old indian chana!!!!
Thumbs up Raj, All best wishes for you dude. It is a calibre only some are blessed with.
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Hey guys,no harm done..all the best guys n hv fun :)

Thnx guys :)


Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Raj Bhai,

My apologies...The statement I gave was not intended to spark controversies. I didn't even knew that you have submitted 3 post. The only thing I made a remark on was the mention that one can submit more than 1 post...

please don't hold it against me... Smile I'm one among you all in the blogger fraternity... Laughing

And you don't need to clarify yourself...Senti kyu ho gaye yaar aap... Tongue out

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Ranjit, Yes you are right. You can write 10 blog posts and if all them are deserving then all of them can win. However, I think we must give some credit to the editorial team at Yahoo! . They will surely read the blogger's name for every entry because that blogger gets featured on Yahoo as a featured blogger, but that won't stop them from handing multiple prizes to the same contestant if they find him/her deserving. 

So fire away! Keep blogging! 

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago


I just want to state my opinion that submitting more than 1 article for the same topic doesn't make sense. As a blogger I feel that this topic should have some content from your heart and rather than based on popularity meter and other worldly fundae. Simply stating, to a person real beauty can mean only one thing. Right?  If you can state something different in all your articles then you could have stated them in one article on the first place.

Jus' a thought....

No offence to any ladies and laidaas... Laughing

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

@Anu..I thought the same thing! The whole essence of this contest as i find is the realization one is gonna have about his idea od real beauty! That can be only one! Writing about different things to win it ruins the essence! Then again it's your and my opinion!

Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

there ain't any like button...  Laughing

Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago

I completely agree with Anu(my nick name) and Amar(my father's name) :)... Very well said :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Me too agrees!!
Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

@Anukriti: Anu Mantra is my blog name not the real name...but Anu is my nick name too... Cool

Anu, I can say only one thing, as a writer one's mind constantly germinates new ideas. when he puts up an article, later he may feel another idea cropping up. there is no harm if he has the time and zeal to rack up brains to pen them down one more time. my mind works slowly and with outside support. I somehow put up one post.(thanks to supporters) sometimes I get the itch to write another but stamina deserts me. 

my salutations RAJ, on your unique feat.

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

@Anukriti..Good to know I share the same name as your dad!:)..Btw..I was named Amar because I was born on 15th August ..Cool

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I don't think that a writer needs to have just a single opinion on what beauty is. As @Pramod mentioned, opinions can keep changing. Are we the same person that we were yesterday?

Thanks Ranjith for seconding, I am strongly thinking to pester all friends again with one more creation, Count down has begun, title created. This time it will be a bombshell,
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hmmmm... Pramodji and Ranjith have a point there. 

You are also right Anu when you say that real beauty can mean only one thing but I feel that one single idea can also be presented in a number of ways. Like a same vegetable can be cooked up in a variety of ways, and each tastes different and each is unique yet it retains the flavor. Thats the real beauty of creativity and innovation, isnt it? And this blogging world being largely based on these two things, I think its ok to have more than one post featuring as long as the blogger does not contradict his opinions in the different posts.

Only problem I have is that they are increasing their chances which decreases my chances of winning since I have only one post up Laughing

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Go for it Pramodji!!!

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

@Arti..I second that..Laughing

Arti Ji , your writeup is really unique and mystique creation, no one can match it. Cheers
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Pramodji This Reply or my post? Anyways, Thanks a lot :D I loved your take on Real beauty too :) And am waiting for your second post too :)

friends posted my second take on real beauty.

Arti ji, I meant your real beauty post on indivine, a real mind turner.  

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Amar Ashok Jajoo
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

@Ranjith - The second part literally means..' Didn't eat anything, Didn't drink anything and still broke the glass worth 12 annas'..:D..Funny aint't it?:P..Well what the saying in hindi means is..It didn't benefit me anyway but still took a large effort from me..!! :)

Yeah..I agree with you that the editor's choice is more of a importance..It is for me too..However I've observed one thing..That by putting the people's choice award via facebook likes..Non-bloggers are getting to know about bloggers like which they never knew exist and also about Indiblogger..So it's providing a great amount of exposure! My blog views tripled yesterday when i requested my friends to have a look at my post!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Amar When replying to individual replies, use the Reply button. Do not post them as a new reply.

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

@Ranjith..Sorry man! Will keep that in mind from now on! Smile

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi everyone, 

There was a query raised about winning in multiple categories. Can't find it now! :( There are no restrictions, a blogger who has won the people's choice can also win the Editorial prize and vice versa. A blogger may submit as many entries as he/she wishes to increase chances of winning. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Vineet rajan How about this one? A person submitting ten entries. The panel of judges are not going to look into the bloggers name and they award almost all of the entries. The person them walks away with 100000+ 50000+ 50000 + ..... (Don't remember those numbers) Is that possible?

Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

How is it that you only get/hope to get hearts on a post when you give one?


Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

It's a selfish world buddy!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Only a hope. But still the trick might not work with everyone.

Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

The trick is not supposed to work with everyone.

Amar Ashok Jajoo
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago
Hahaha..Sweet!I'll search your post myself :) Btw..News..I'm having a pretty hard time getting people to vote me..Most of the people ask..'Where's the like button?'..And suddenly I'm asking God 'What's the point of these eyes which don't work?' :P
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Why don't you take a screenshot of the page and highlight the like button in dark red and send it to your friends?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Did you like it, it is showing 5 likes!! I cant even see who were the noble souls who liked!!
Arti Ji , those are real beauty souls.
from Mumbai
13 years ago

+1 PramodJi

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

Yes Arti I liked it Tongue out

Amar Ashok Jajoo
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

Yeah! Woh kehte hain na hindi me..' Khaya piya kuch nahi, gilas phoda barana' Tongue out..Btw arti share the link of your post..I'll like it via fb! Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thats very kind of you Amar, I appreciate your gesture... But it is not right to share links here... Woh hindi mein kehte hain 'tumne bol diya aur wahi bahut hai' :):)
Amar Ashok Jajoo
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

Yeah! Woh kehte hain na hindi me ' Khaya piya kuch nahi, gilas phoda barana' !Tongue out

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hehe true:-D
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Is there anyone to translate the second half of the sentence in Hindi?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
It means that instead of having profit he incurred a loss!!
Amar Ashok Jajoo
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

@Anukriti..Thanks..Done the same for you..;)..And you've 101 likes with that..!! I've some under 10..! Actually i didn't even kmow that non-indibloggers can like the thing too..!! Blame it on my ignorance since childhood of not reading rules completely!

@Arti..Thanks :)..It does not matter if you're not on facebook..I'm on facebook..I've some 700+ friends but believe me it ain't gonna make a difference..Reason - I'm a chartered accountancy student and have a large circle of the same! Even if i get them to like it..They'll ask me hundereds of question viz. What's this site? , What's this contest?, Can i register?, Is it still late for it?..Believe me i would rather prefer not having any likes! :P..They're all nerds! :-|..So if get a hard time with the likes and you're relying on the editor's award..Count me in too..;)...

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hehe I understand its better not to have any likes than answering those questions again and again... And anyways if you win and they come to know of it the party bill will surely exceed the prize money!!!!
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Amar The People's choice award and the Editor's award does have a lot of difference. I would be happy even if get the last prize of the Editor's choice rather than getting People's choice award, by repeatedly asking everyone to like my entry on facebook.

Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago

Well what i feel is that Facebook likes is okay till it promotes the brand/products and gives a chance to non-bloggers to vote. But I think that Editors should not decide the People's Choice, solely on FB votes... A person who has 1000+ friends (or more) will definitely get an edge over the others (he/she can ovbiously ask/convince his/her FB friends to vote on indivine FB "Like"- wherein atleast 200 would def. vote - family/close friends etc). On the other hand a person who keeps a low profile on FB is bound to get very few votes... I think the Editors should have an upper hand in deciding the final verdict... wat say?

Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago

Just a point of view... opinions might differ :)


from Mumbai
13 years ago
I am toh not on facebook so I guess I will have no likes there!!! For people like me, your idea is a great one... But then it is the peoples choice so I guess the rules are clear... Lets see...
from hyderabad
13 years ago

I fall in that category you are talking about. I do not even have a facebook account and I don't like to ask my friends to vote for what I write. But still the facebook likes are to make the contest popular. one reason for the large number of entries is definitely the facebook promotion. If even non bloggers had a chance to participate, teh entries would ahve crossed 1000.

Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago

thats a valid point Ranjith and very well said... I appreciate :)

Amar Ashok Jajoo
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

Seriously some of the posts submitted are just outstanding! And it's so amazin to see different people of different age from different backgrounds and their different views about the same thing - Real beauty! And they've done it so beautifully..God! I love this contest! Laughing

Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago

This indeed is a wonderful contest! Loved ur post amar :)

Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
13 years ago

btw have FB Liked your post :) keep writing:)


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Well said Amar, so many views... Makes for a great read... Loved your post:)

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