Invisible followers how can one track them on blogspot ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Suddenly one day i had a travel writer in a newspaper commenting on my blog, and asking for clarification.  He stated that i have been following your blog for sometime, than i realised there is a invisible column too, we never actually know how many are privately following and suddenly we get a shock ? any idea guys how to trace the secret followers ?  Can we trace the Mr India, Mogambo kush hua ...thanks in advance

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from hyderabad
12 years ago

I think that you will be able to view those invisible followers by logging into 'Google Friend Connect'

from Mumbai
12 years ago
You are right Umeshji... I too get such comments once in a while that I am following your blog since a long time...but never see them commenting!! As Abhi mentioned above I guess it is impossible to detect who follows you privately...
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Arti i believe such a provision need not be public for hiding their identity, but if they are following our blogs we should be aware, other chances of plagiarism increases manifold.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

What is the relation between following a blog and comment. Many people only like to read and do not wish to speak up.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

If someone follow you by email and if you are not aware of it, than the same effect can re occur, i feel the providers of this application should be able to alert the original blogspot creator about it, i am concerned since i have only 20 official followers and i feel no of people following privately must be 5 folds.Cool

from hyderabad
12 years ago

The service providers do this to ensure privacy of the followers. Many people hesistate to show their profiles to other people.

from mumbai
12 years ago

@umeshji as far as I am aware, i dont think that is possible. When you follow a blog you can either follow publicly or in private. If you follow in private, then your profile does not appear anywhere, either in the followers widget or in the dashboard. Thus, even the admin doesnt know who his anonymous followers are or how many followers he has.

P.S.mogambo wont be very pleased with me , sry Smile

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Abhi that is disaster news, since some bloggers who are following you  privately could be copying and pasting or alter the paragraphs and post your own blog in a polished manner.  Thus even depriving you of the real inspiration or bibliography is simple as copying in the exam and getting a better marks than from whom you have copied.  Lolz  Mogambo....duki hua

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yes Umeshji, that can be a problem but what is the way out then??
from hyderabad
12 years ago

@ umesh If someone wishes to copy your content, why does he need to follow your blog?

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