Ramdev Baba seeks death penalty and demonetisation for curbing corruption ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I believe Ramdev baba has gone into the root of corruption, most of the black money is held in 1000 and 500 Rupees currency, secondly his seeking death penalty even though harsh might be deterrent in rarest of rare cases, i would rather prefere concification of the property amassed vide illegal means and auctioning and govt taking it to their treasury.  Right to recall MLA's and MPs should be another demand.  Finally judiciary particularly lower court judges should be bought under Lokpal, because all manipulation are carried out in the lower court.  We hope Ramdev succeeds in his mission, what do you all feel Indies ?

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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Demonetisation has been the right method to weed out black money it should be done suddenly and with surprise.  In its place for example if we demonetise 1000 we can bring out 2000 currency.  In the exchange process we can easily unearth whether it is genuine tax paid income or corrupt money.  Instead of Rs 500 we can have currencies in 200 and 400.

There isn't a dearth of issues in india, death sentence for rapists, etc. speedy judiciary system for that. 

we see in india lawyers going on strike when judge disposes record cases in a day. 


umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I believe lawyers are interested to drag cases rather than judges, i am sure if the judges decide there will be no pending cases and there will be no time to tamper evidence.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

i dont think we should have excution for anything.put them behind bars, but nobody has a right over another's life.


from goa
13 years ago

Yes i too think there should not be a death sentence as they may have been forced into corruption. When they go to get a job the employer asks for money even after they are qualified for the job. the candidate takes loan and pays bribe and gets a job, but he can't pay the loan back without themselves getting their hands dirty. So we can't hang all of them. But that doesn't mean they should just be given  warning and left. Strict legal action should be taken against them

from Chennai
13 years ago

I agree with you. As a society we should stand for respect for human life.

from goa
13 years ago

thumbs up Umesh

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