IndiBlogger of the Month - April 2009, select a category

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hope you all have noticed that we have launched the IndiBlogger of the Month in full swing. (We think it's in full swing, but if you see any bugs, do let us know Laughing).

So while bloggers are nominating themselves, let's decide on a category for April 2009!

Replies 21 to 40 of 67 Descending
from Chennai
15 years ago

IS there a category like "Blogs on Blogging"

Rafiq Raja
Rafiq Raja
from Chennai
15 years ago

How about ratings for Comics or Graphic Novels Category..... I don't find it anywhere, and it's a unique concept on its own.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Thanks Kushi for sharing your chosen categories, that too scheduled for the whole year. That was sweet. But i would still go for Blogs on social and environmental causes.
from Mumbai
15 years ago

I agree with you, but  I belive in  ... sab ko chance milna chahiye naa  .

so suggested all category..Smile

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Reine, what do you think about keeping the voting open for all. Many of the readers can participate too. I know multi voting by an individual may also happen, but is there a solution to it? If so, this can be real good
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Our vision for this is a contest by the bloggers, for the bloggers. We could have a seperate vote count for a "reader's choice" award though. What do you think?

May be it will be a good idea to have a widget on the main page where the available categories are given in a radio button list. People can then vote. This will solve the problem of having to discuss this topic every month.

The topic that gets the highest vote becomes the topic of the month.

If people would still like to discuss the issue, there could be a forum thread attached to the widget where this discussion could take place.

A bar chart could also be shown that depicts the voter preference.

Rafiq Raja
from Chennai
15 years ago

I second this idea..... this will make the decision more interactive and easy to Track

The current top voted category seems to be Social Cause, let's see if that scores on Voting...

Renie your thoughts ?

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hmm... I'd like to take this a step further.... have the voting widget attached to the forum topic. Frankly, I love the discussion we have while selecting a topic!

Rafiq Raja
from Chennai
15 years ago

Righto Renie. Let's have this discussion going, where the voters can then talk about their preferred choice. So, pls do hang the voting next to this thread.... election time it is isn't it :)

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Voting has started for March 2009!

Please take your time, go through all the entries and cast your vote. Smile

from New York
15 years ago

Hi.. just wondering.. is the topic 'Politics and Current Affairs' about Indian Politics and current affairs in India or anywhere in the world?


Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Anywhere in the world!

S K G Rao
S K G Rao
from Bangalore
15 years ago

It should be on Technical Textiles.

from Virginia
15 years ago

Frankly, I doubt this is going anywhere with each suggesting a different topic. How about doing a voting? Throw 5 topics out there, and each votes on what they prefer. A poll, complete with radio buttons et al? :-)

from Chicago
15 years ago

I think Business and Economy blogs should be the ones this time, especially because of recession.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

@ Renie: That would be awesome!!! Blogs which are part of IndiBlogger should also get reader's choice awards. After all, not all readers are Bloggers.The best Blogger gets to adorn a Special Badge, but no prizes (sponsers). That would give it some real zeal.

The verification for multiple voting can be captured using the maker checker by email id.

Do you think we can do this? Is there any one who throw in their two cents for this?

from Sydney
15 years ago

Food and drinks!!

from Bangalore, Karnataka
15 years ago

I have a suggestion! Nowadays many teens blog. So i feel that the topic should be teen bloggers or Blogging on teens. Or something related to us because we are the next gen and since we always have other things i thought this one out. Or we could have Creativity. Like who writes stories and poems the best!

Amiya Sarkar
Amiya Sarkar
from Calcutta
15 years ago

I'd suggest anything other than politics, the quintessential embodiment of untruthfulness and disloyalty. I guess, you 'read my lips'. Sure, we must not run away from it; but recession, science and technology, or even SRK's frozen shoulder would be a better choice.

So, come on, 'lets make our day!'

Rakesh Vanamali
Rakesh Vanamali
from Ooty
15 years ago

Poetry will be a good topic!

Rajagopalan N
Rajagopalan N
from Chennai
15 years ago

Why not a blog category on typical Indian news?  I vote for category India News!

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Would request all people who post here to have look at the suggestions already being posted and then give your valueable vote for category.
from patna
15 years ago

Blogs have emerged as, and are evolving into a critical tool for people like me who are in backwaters of India( based on infrastructure,both digital & physical) to put our message across to the world.

I am from Bihar & experience floods each year.We started a blog on flood relief in 2007( & are still working on flood relief for 2008 Kosi floods.

Our blog ( was primarily started to share what we see in flood areas, what we are doing & what people willing to help can do to help the flood victims. The response was truly amazing...many people came to these parts to help in flood relief, some spread the word around & we got a lot of much needed relief material by corporates who wanted to help, but didn't know how.

Blogs like these make an immense difference to the people who suffer & people who want to help. Many a times, lives have been saved because of blogs on current effort & conditions in disaster areas.

In most of these blogs, you will find accurate data & transparency, & that's  to negate the apprehensions or doubts people have regarding the authenticity of claims made on blogs.

It would be be very helpful if blogs on social responsibility, selfless social or humanitarian efforts, natural disaster management are given more light, more visibility on forum such as yours.

More people will get involved in these initiatives if they know the facts about the magnitude & ground reality regarding any kind of humanitarian disaster.


~chandan singh.



Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi Chandan, we currently have blog on social and environmental causes on the top.. hope this category gets voted more...

Amiya Sarkar
Amiya Sarkar
from Calcutta
15 years ago

Spirituality could be a good canditate too.

Rajagopalan N
Rajagopalan N
from Chennai
15 years ago

I feel environment and society should be given topmost importance at this juncture.  My blog category is 'News' with tags environment,society, people, sports, humor, etc.  Please calrify whether I will be eligible to contest in case environment and society is the topic next month.

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