IndiBlogger of the Month - April 2009, select a category

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hope you all have noticed that we have launched the IndiBlogger of the Month in full swing. (We think it's in full swing, but if you see any bugs, do let us know Laughing).

So while bloggers are nominating themselves, let's decide on a category for April 2009!

Replies 41 to 60 of 67 Descending
from india
15 years ago

one suggestion indi team should decide say 3 or 11 topics and let the indiblogger choose the topic ,

one blogger one vote and in case of tie indi team can vote and decide the topic for the month.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
My dear sm, let this forum be independent of being moderated. Its okay if people endorse a topic that they are interested in, there a lot of people who are still around to consider a topic that is not theirs and endorse it too. Capping the number of topics cannot be done. There are n number of topics the bloggers can write on.
Sandeep Gautam
from pune
15 years ago

I would like to see a contest for best science blogging and would also request that we have a top science bloggers list in Indirank if there are enough indian science bloggers!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Can you list some of the science blogs! that would be interesting. may be, i can change my mind next month... this month, i suggest lets keep social and environmental blogs...

Dr Pushkar
Dr Pushkar
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Amazed. No one for IPL, T20 world cup is approaching plus couple of grand prix plus UEFA. My view sports should be the category for April.
Varun Krish
Varun Krish
from Chennai
15 years ago

Like many of you above mentioned , I would vote for a Technology . Gadgets as the topic.

I got a Tech/Gadget Blog myself and would love to participate :-)

from mumbai
15 years ago

damn. this specialisation thing will be the death of me.

i vote for an open blog. or original writing. or voice with a twist. (heh heh...anything where i could at least stand a chance).

but ya, i notice everything seems to be either technology, or politics or social causes...come on...let's widen the field. 

Chicky Kadambari
from Jaipur
15 years ago

I second this!

Although 'social causes' is a good enough topic.

Would like to see a competition for people who blog to spread good cheer in the world... hope & inspiration... especially in these times of recession! As I read a few days ago, a friend of another blogger friend committed suicide 'coz he couldn't get a job! Would be good to get more people to read such blogs which carry a positive message... prevent people from taking drastic steps like suicide because of financial crisis.

I guess that could be generalised under 'spirituality', but hard-core spirituality is really different u know. This is more like keeping your faith alive!


Ravi Matah
Ravi Matah
from DehraDun
15 years ago

i would vote for Elections 2009, as that is the current hot topic, and which will hape the destiny of this country for the next 5 years!

@Pushkar - being a sports fan myself, am amazed too! ,,, IPLT20 missing!


Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Yeah, probably there are not much who blog about it, or may be have not posted it here yet!

khushi, I think Indiblogger of the month March 2009 is declared, instead of IndiBloggers of the month April2009.

Congrats to Winners....

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Has the category for the next contest been decided? How is the category decided anyways..Not many people are putting their views in this post..So, will it get decided by the few who have given their fav categories?

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Categories are dicided by people here, and more the votes (posts in here) for a category the more chances of it getting in.

i agree with you on giving views why anyone suggests a particular category. this could add value to the vote...

current favorites are technology, social and environmental causes etc...

Rajagopalan N
Rajagopalan N
from Chennai
15 years ago

I vote for a blog on strange and weird news for a change!

from Assam
15 years ago

perhaps we should just have an open category this time round... that way all blogs can be nominated.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Rounding up!

Technology - 6
Business & Economy - 5
All round - 1
Social Causes - 9
Real life - 1
Ancient Indians - 1
Creative Writing - 2
Health & Environment - 2
Blogging - 1
Comics/Graphic novels - 1
Technical Textiles - 1
Food and drinks - 1
Teen blogs - 1
Poetry - 2
Indian News - 1
Spirituality - 2
Women, Makeup & Fashion - 1
Sports - 1
Science - 1
Humour - 1
Strange and weird news - 1

Looks like social causes is the winner. Can we set some rules for the kind of posts to be nominated? What do you all think? What are the possible subjects that we could have under this to give it direction and make sure the nominations fall under this category? Environment, Road safety, Child Abuse, Rape, Domestic Violence, Poverty, Education, Caring for the aged, ?.....

Chicky Kadambari
from Jaipur
15 years ago

How about just keeping it 'social causes'? 'Coz it might be difficult to find too many blogs related to just one specific topic! Would really restrict the number of nominations that way! Like for instance, I have made one post on Education system, one on caste system, one on environmental issues... & so on!

Limiting to one topic would also make it a tad boring to go through the nominations. I mean how much can one read about 'child abuse'? It would become more like a thesis on a topic, with case studies & all!

That's just my 2 cents... what do the others have to say about this?

I think, we should feel free to nominate  every kind of posts related to category of social causes, so that different social aspects excellently expressed in blogging might easily be shown here at a single platform.


from Mumbai
15 years ago

Can we limit the number of posts per nomination? Last time, I tried to read all the 5 post per nomination, lost track and ultimately ended up not voting at all.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Actually the logic behind asking for 5 posts is that this contest is for top blog, not top blog post... so ensuring that the blog has at least 5 posts under that category keeps out the less deserving ones. The slideshow during voting allows you to view one post per blog though, did you try that out?

Chicky Kadambari
from Jaipur
15 years ago

@ Renie!

Hey, I'm not very familliar with these grounds! In fact, it's only very recently that I have started networking with other bloggers on such platforms! So can u plz direct me to some other thread where the detailed procedure of this Contest is given?

I mean - How do we submit nominations? When do we nominate? Do we have to list 5 posts from our blog... as in give their individual URL's? And what's the slideshow thing you mentioned?

I'm sorry if this questions sound a bit silly, but I've only become slightly active on indiblogger since last month... & even then, I have been having some exams, so couldn't really go through a lot of stuff here!

Plz do help me out with this!



Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Kadambari! - will start updating the faqs to answer your questions. But for now - nominations are starting today, you can nominate any blog that has been approved by IndiBlogger. You will have to submit 5 posts, using their individual urls. As for the slideshow - you'l know why we created it when you see it, it makes the decision making process a whole lot easier!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Sorry guys, guess I should have been clearer... I don't mean to limit it to subjects... but I'm trying to set some guidelines as to the kind of posts that would fall under social causes, to make our jobs of moderating the nominations easier! Smile  The last time, for political and current affairs, we had all kinds of posts being nominated - from "How to migrate from blogspot to wordpress" to "My day at the vet"!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Renie, I think we should only have the top 3 blog posts for review and vote. btw, can you list all the mods on the forum seperately. well, i dont know who all are in!!!

and you sure need to set some guidelines. Wink

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Did you really get those my day at the vet kind of posts last time?Ha ha, you guys must have had a tough time going through all the entries :-)

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Sheba, we also had a post on preventing migraine, and a post about the garbage being dumped on a particular street corner in Bangalore!

Hemal - the mods/team members are myself, Anwin Joselyn, Naveen Roy, Anoop Zombie, Zeon & Balaganesh. We also have Nafisa who takes care of events and Diana who heads the moderation team.

Kiran Manral
Kiran Manral
from Mumbai
15 years ago

So is social causes the general winner? And when do nominations begin?

from Delhi
15 years ago

I will go with social cause relfecting personal experience.

Also, creative writers. I think there are many very talented creativve writers here and they need to be read.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Nominations are open, good luck everyone!

from Delhi
15 years ago

We need top five posts ?..well ..!!!! Mine is not a specific blog for social causes but had 3-4 posts worth reading .. anyways :) there is always a next time ..

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

It's not too late to write 2 more posts! Nominations are Smileopen throughout the weekend.

Rajeev R
Rajeev R
from New Delhi
15 years ago

creative writing should be given the honour this time

Anshul Tewari
Anshul Tewari
from Noida
15 years ago

check out my blog

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