Happy Birthday to the Legend

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৮১ তম জন্মদিনৰ শুভক্ষণত অতুলনীয় তথা চিৰসেউজ মহানায়ক অমিতাভ বচ্চনজীলৈ অশেষ অশেষ আন্তৰিক শুভকামনা যাচিলো।। I have the Pleasure to convey my best wishes to the living legend, Superstar of the millennium Amitabh Bachchan SIR on the occasion of his 81st Birthday (11th October) We all love you SIR. Keep Inspiring Us. Do visit Amitabh Bachchan's Official Blog http://srbachchan.tumblr.com/

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